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I looked around, searching for Alara, but couldn't find her anywhere. I sighted Asma and Liam, seeming worried as well. "I think she got kidnapped." Asma bit her lip nervously, hoping what she had just told us wasn't true. "Fuck." I hissed angrily, wishing I had payed more attention. I walked out of the mansion and searched in the garden when I found a pair of heels. I wasn't sure if it was hers but it looked like the ones she wore. All of a sudden I heard a car start its engine and drive away quickly. I ran to my car, finding the windows shattered. As I looked at the backseat, I found Alaras lying in the car, blood all over her body. I quickly unlocked the door and opened the door.

"Alara open your eyes please." I pleaded as tears welled up in my eyes. I examined her body, searching for a wound, that could've caused all that blood. My hand brushed her stomach and she groaned in pain. With shaky hands I lifted her fur jacket from her stomach, finding a wound. "No, no, no." I shouted refusing to believe what had just happened. She had been stabbed.

"They tried to kill me." she whispered weakly, tears rolling down her face. I took off my jacket and pressed it against the wound. "Stay strong, my love." I pleaded kissing her forehead. "I can't breathe," she sobbed, "give it to me, please. I need oxygen." she cried out in pain. "Give you what? What do you need, love?" I stroked her cheeks, trying to stay as calm as I could. "My inhaler." she whispered. I searched for her purse, but it wasn't anywhere to be found. 

I took out my phone and called Liam. "Come quickly, we need to go to Edward." I got in the car, next to Alara and placed her head on my lap. Liam drove, as Asma cried hysterically. "I need oxygen." she whispered again and again. I wish I could help her breathe, but I couldn't. "Don't close your eyes, stay with me please." I said pressing on her wound. "We're here sir." Liam spoke quietly and I lifted her up as I got out. I ran to the door and rang the bell. Edward opened the door and gasped in shock. "Grandpa please help her, she's loosing a lot of blood." Tears streamed down my face as I held her in my arms. I stepped into the house and placed her on the couch.

"My son, don't worry I will rescue her." he assured me as he led us out of the room. We sat for hours and waited, but he still wasn't done. "I wish I could've took her to the hospital." I mumbled. I held my head in my hands and looked down on the floor. "It's my fault." I whispered. "It isn't." Liam spoke. I jumped up as the door opened. Edward stood still, looking at us with a small smile. "She's alive, right?" 

He nodded and only then I was relieved. I had to see her. "I want to see her." Tears started to well up in my eyes again. That's the first time I've cried for someone. "Be careful and don't make her stress. She needs to rest." he explained weakly, before he left. I walked into the room and swallowed the lump in my throat. I sat on the sofa next to her, she was awake. "Alara." I whispered and she lifted her head to look at me. I gazed at her small smile that was plastered on her face. "You saved me." she uttered, reaching to hold my hand. 

I refused to let her hold my hand. It was stained with her blood and seeing it would upset her more than she already was. It took me a moment to eventually start to speak. "You probably can't remember but yesterday you said that they tried to kill you. Who did you mean by them?" As these words left my mouth, she tensed up and started fidgeting with her hands. "I can't remember anything." she shrugged. I knew that she was lying and I also knew how to make her tell me. 

"Well, I know who did this to you." I lied. 

"What?" she asked shocked. "I sent them to do this to you." I lied again. "You didn't." she whispered shaking her head. Part of me felt like I knew who it was, but telling her that I commanded to kill her made me feel like it was true. It had to be someone who really wanted her dead because of me. "You're right, I didn't." I nodded reassuring her. "Do I know them?" I questioned, wondering if she would even answer this question. 

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