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Next day he had the same Schedule. He got to the precinct before Pete and Anya, so he joined Vegas who was having a coffee by the office.

"You better go talk to Officer Porntip so she tells you where you're gonna be today. I was assigned to the office, with Pete." Vegas commented as soon as Kinn got near him.

"Pete's already here?" Kinn asked, trying to mask the little disappointment of not being with Pete on their first complete guard. Not that Kinn particularly liked Pete, but he was kind of cute. He looked like Kinn's type one hundred percent. And he looked gay, and Kinn's gaydar never fails.

"Yeah, he's changing. But Porntip already told us where we'll be so you might as well ask right now." Vegas answered, drinking the last drops of his coffee.

So Kinn headed to her office. He entered after knocking once on the door and a low "come in" from the Chief. She greeted him with a polite smile and asked him to guard the fifth floor for the rest of the week since Officer Big, just Big, Kinn remembered, will be moved to street patrolling now. Kinn agreed and left without thinking too much of how he'll be bored out of his mind the entire day.

So he jumped on the elevator and got to the fifth floor. He closed the main door, put all his belongings on the little desk area right at the entrance, and then entered the hall with the cells.

Each cell was a hollow cube of concrete walls, big enough for a single sized bunk bed set, a –very uncomfortable-looking chair and a little bathroom area that was barely divided by a half-sized wall, one would clearly see at least the top of all the inmates' heads if they were showering. Kinn noticed the fifth floor's cells where the only confined cells; they only had the window facing the control tower and recreational area, and the little window that faced the hall. Maybe because these are the dangerous inmates. But it seemed like a place that would drive someone mad during the first day.

Upon entering the cells hall, Kinn noticed the prisoners did find ways to not go crazy. They were all (but one) talking from their little window facing the hall, they laughed and were telling each other off. Kinn found it funny and a nice way to not go crazy.

"Good morning, all" Kinn greeted. The chitchatting stopped and then they all greeted him back. Some of them trying to see as much of Kinn as they could from the bars of the windows, since they didn't recognize his voice. So he walked by every cell, greeting every one of them.

"You're the officer who brought us here yesterday!" Win noticed. "Nice to see you, man... Are you the one replacing Big from now on?" He asked.

"At least for the week." Kinn commented.

"Good! Please be nice to us." Kinn saw his teeth from how big he smiled.

He made conversation with all of them for a bit until he got to Porsche's cell, the only that wasn't plastered to the wall and talking to the rest.

Kinn doubted for a second, but then decided he's just too nosey to not attempt to try to talk to him. So he tried to find him through the little window and found him with a towel around his waist, drying his hair. A big tattoo on his right shoulder blade that Kinn couldn't tell what it was from afar.

"Good morning." Kinn greeted. The other inmates went back to talking to each other from their own cell, so they weren't paying Kinn any mind.

As Kinn expected, no answer came from Porsche. He didn't even seem to react to his voice at all.

But Kinn can be really stubborn at times.

"What's your name?" Kinn asked and was happy when Porsche finally turned around and faced him.

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