A Moment

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CW: violence, and mention of blood.

As promised, heres chapter 12. this one's my favorite so far, because Kinn is finally loosening up to his feelings and we get a cute little moment by the end of this chapter uwu

i think were getting to the pining part of the story, and im so happy about it!

I hope you're having a nice Saturday, im almost off my shift and plan on sleeping cuz i stayed up until 3 am reading ATYD by MsKingBean89 (iykyk i binged on that ff for like a week and it was so worth it hahaha)


Kinn was still hesitant as to the reason behind his guarding the fifth floor, but he was not about to question this decision out loud. So the week went by as close as it had been in the past, except for the horrifying truth Yok told him only a week before. He tried not to think about it during his shift; instead he made sure to be attentive to the prisoners and hearing them and laughing with them.

There was one weird instance by Thursday at lunch time where he actually witnessed something he hadn't before: two of the prisoners were involved in a pretty violent fight, fists hit faces and kicks hit legs. Kinn didn't know the reason, but Time said something that ticked Jim the wrong way as they were in line to get their food and before he even thought about it, he was in the middle of the two inmates, making incredible strength to keep them apart until Pete came and grabbed Jim by the arm and pulled him far from them.

They were all panting and the rest of the guys looked confused and scared. Kinn only then saw the state of the two prisoners. While Jim took the most damage visually (his nose was bleeding, he was spitting blood and his face was scratched and turning purple), Time had taken a major damage on his eyes, where a pool of blood was spilling all over the side of his face and he'd taken a kick in the stomach apparently, because he was bent a little, panting, clearly having difficulties to breathe.

More officers came to help and assess the situation. They were both moved to the clinic where two of the senior officers watched them and then got them to their cells.

The mood was definitely different once he came with the rest of the inmates. Kinn thought it was curious how actually a fight amongst criminals who were otherwise a peaceful group could affect their whole dynamic. Not even James tried to say anything; the group had barely said a word during their lunch time and he noticed neither Porsche nor Win ate a bite off their plate. Kinn worried if this was maybe too much for Porsche, so he took the unusual silence from the prisoners to approach his cell.

"Hi." He called. Porsche turned around in his bed, he was just sitting stretching his arms and got closer as soon as he recognized Kinn.


"I saw you barely ate anything so here," he handed him some candies. He had been buying them from the lady and actually brought some for the prisoners every day, but he always squeezed an extra one or two to Porsche. He had favorites, okay? "I know these aren't nutritious but you could feel nauseous later on and maybe these will help."

Porsche's lips quirked up in a teasing smirk, but he nodded his head and put the candy in his pocket.

"How are you?" Kinn asked after a while.

"Fine," he said, "did scare me those two, honestly. Are you okay, I saw you take some of their heat?" He asked with a worried face.

And only then did Kinn noticed the ache in his muscles from the strength he had to use to pull them apart and the light sore skin under the sleeves of his shirt. He rolled up the sleeves and saw some scratches in his arm. They weren't bad but he'd have add some ointment once he got home, so it doesn't leave a scar.

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