Obsession, What Obsession

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The following day, Kinn tried to not think of how last night's dream was totally different than the prior days, but they all featured Porsche.

He made sure to pack the book and headed to the office. He found Vegas and Pete leaving their night shifts. They told Kinn all about how little they did during the night at the office. How they took turns to sleep since there was nothing else to do.

Kinn was hoping not to be assigned to office duties anytime soon. It sounded awful.

"Hey, Big. Haven't seen you all week." Kinn greeted when he got to the fifth floor, Big was getting all his stuff from the desk and handing him the keys.

"Hey. Yeah, tell me about it. They have us patrolling some streets downtown, which is cool because I get to move my ass." He commented with a laugh. "But I do miss these guys, also. They tell me all good things about you though, so I take it you're doing okay?"

"Yeah, they're cool. I actually thought it was gonna be dead boring but they're very funny."

"I know. Well, I'm still glad my shift's ended. I need to go catch some sleep. See you, Kinn." He said as he closed the door. Kinn locked it after putting his stuff in the desk. He finished his coffee, grabbed the book and went to say hi to the prisoners.

"Officer Kinn! Good to see you back." Win said first, drawing the other inmates' attention to notice Kinn.

"Hi, Officer."

"Officer, didn't know you'd be coming today." Time said and gave Kinn a flirty smile that made Jim laugh. Kinn ignored it as much as he could without seeming rude.

"How are you, guys? Slept well?" Kinn asked.

"We did." James answered. "We liked having Officer Big back, even for a night. Between you and me, the other officer who takes your shift at night is crazy boring, he's this old men who doesn't smile at all." He said and rolled his eyes.

"Yeah, we like having young people here!" Jim said and made the rest start talking of how much they preferred being guarded by Kinn and Big, and some other officer they haven't seen in a while named Chan.

They continued chatting about other officers they've had in the past and this gave Kinn the green light to abandon their conversation. He walked to Porsche's cell and was surprised to find him already standing and facing out the window. Waiting for him, maybe?

"Hi, Porsche." He said after the initial shock. He smiled at Porsche and got closer to the window.

Porsche looked the same as last night, just maybe a little more tired.

"Hi." Porsche said and smiled at Kinn, too.

"I brought the book." He said and passed it through the bars. Porsche grabbed it quickly and started flipping the pages. Then he got it closer to his nose and took a sniff of it. He flushed immediately and looked mortified as Kinn laughed. "Don't worry, I do that too. I love smelling books." He said calmly.

"Yeah, thank you." He said while pressing the book cover to his chest, a smile forming on his mouth.

"No problem. Let me know once you finish it so I can get you the next one. Or should I just bring them all so you don't have to wait on them?" Kinn offered honestly.

"No. Um- I mean, it's okay. I-I can wait for them, that's fine." He said, a hint of distress showing on his eyes, on his frowned brows.

"Okay." He had nothing else to say, so he smiled at Porsche once again and started to walk away.

"Um, Kinn?" Porsche called.

Kinn got back to his place in front of the cell door. He felt his legs shaking a little at hearing his name coming from the prisoner's voice. Kinn wondered when he'd get used to hearing it from him.

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