Goodbye, Officer

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Kinn met with Anya, Vegas, Pete, Arm and Pol Thursday night. They went to a small bar downtown. A 15 minute drive normally but he had to stop at the precinct to pick up Pete and Anya. Vegas lived downtown, so they'd meet him there; and Pol and Arm were taking a taxi separately since they lived down the south.

Kinn was decided to spend a nice evening. He wanted to get drunk and regret it in the morning, and he took his short-term promises very seriously. So as soon as they got to the bar he ordered two drinks to start the night.

They all drank and talked minus Pete, who stated he was going to drink later because he doesn't hold alcohol well. Soon Arm, Pete and Pol started singing in the karaoke booth for a while, while Anya, Vegas and himself got drunk. He found out Anya was married to a teacher and had a two-year-old boy, which took Kinn by surprise because Anya didn't strike him like a mom or someone who would commit to someone, but then again, what does Kinn know?

After an hour, Anya laughed loudly when Kinn expressed this to her and said: "You and the rest of my family, dear. And I can't say I ever saw myself as someone who would set up with another person. I was certainly having fun before I fell in love." She looked a little dizzy and was dragging the words out of her mouth, eyes glossy. "But when I met him, something made me think I wanted to have him for myself forever..." She gave Kinn the prettiest of smiles. "At the beginning I did try to avoid it, because it was most definitely scary to say the least... but one thing happens when you meet your true soulmate, there's no way you can escape your feelings."

"That sounds nice." Vegas commented, eyes glued on Anya. Pete was next to him, with his head on the bar, asleep since he drank his third drink after singing with the two-chromosomes-combined duo. His body was completely laid on Vegas' side, which he didn't seem to mind, he jumped whenever Pete moved a little, his hand immediately on Pete's back to make sure he didn't fall.

Arm and Pol kept singing and only stopped when they went to get drunker. They were so goofy, Kinn actually cringed a little bit but he also found them hilarious.

"Pol, sit down." Anya demanded after Pol spilled his second drink all over his shirt.

"Yes, ma'am." Both Pol and Arm said at the same time and started laughing like the funniest thing happened.

Kinn was having a great time, but decided to stop when he started seeing two Petes in front of him.

"How are you leaving?" Vegas asked when Kinn stated he was leaving. Pol and Arm took Anya home on a taxi, so only Pete, Vegas and himself were left. Pete still resting his body on Vegas, and soundly asleep.

"I'll drive. Don't worry, I'm a good drunk driver, I'll go slow." He added when Vegas made a face and was about to argue with him.

"Are you sure?" He asked. "I live close, you could crash with me." He offered.

"Nah, you have your hands full with that one." Kinn nodded his head in Pete's direction. "Besides, you're working tomorrow morning and I plan on sleeping until 2 PM. I'd hate being in anyone's way."

Vegas nodded. Kinn helped him carry Pete inside a cab and stood there watching until the vehicle took a turn and he lost sight of it. He walked to the parking lot dragging his feet, and before Kinn started his car, he got a text from Vegas informing they had arrived and asking to let him know once he was home himself.

So Kinn drove home slowly. Of the normal 15 minutes it would have taken him to get home sober, he took almost 40 minutes drunk, but he went as slowly as he could, especially on his little road from the main highway, since it was dark. But he did it, he even made sure to lock all his doors before he took a quick shower and dried his hair.

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