Sad News

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Okay, so Kinn was not about to keep denying the obvious; he could almost see Tay rolling his eyes at him for being so oblivious. His biggest breakthrough was when on Friday, after four soul-drenching shifts on the office with Anya, he was stopped by his immediate boss who had been on vacation since he started his new job. He was a tall man in his 40s, bald and with his face like a stone, he did not look friendly at all, his name was Jack. He stopped by and introduced himself to Kinn and Anya, who were spitting paper scraps through a straw (so yeah, not the best first impression), and let them know that they'd start patrolling next week during business hours schedules. Vegas and Kinn would patrol downtown, while Anya and Pete were to patrol the town around the precinct.

What this caused to Kinn was a huge wave of disappointment and annoyance. Because it dwelled on him it would be longer than expected until he could see Porsche again, at least on regular schedule. And he was so turned down by this, it finally forced him to think of why it affected him so much not being able to see a prisoner the entirety of his shift. Why was it so necessary that he spent as much time as possible near Porsche?

Kinn had trouble digesting this question, and even a bigger problem thinking of the answer. So he decided to push everything inside again. Okay, so he knew there was something wrong with his obsession with the prisoner, but let's not think why, he decided.

He did go to pay a visit on Friday after his shift, though. Pete had approached him during lunch (found Kinn and Anya playing Uno) and told him –with a very confused expression- that one of the inmates said he had finished the book. So Kinn had explained he was borrowing some of his books to the prisoner because he's a Harry Potter fan.

Pete didn't look convinced but decided not to comment on it, which Kinn totally appreciated. Not quite ready for other people to question things he didn't have an answer to.

He nodded a greeting at Pete as he went towards the cells. He felt scrutinized under Pete's gaze but tried his best not to let it show.

"Officer Kinn! Glad my eyes get to see that pretty smile you have there and those devastatingly manly eyebrows!" Time commented as soon as he saw Kinn, stopping the other prisoners' conversation.

For once, he wished for the prisoners not to get along. That way he wouldn't be stared at by five pairs of eyes. Because he noticed Porsche was already on the window.

"How are you all?" He asked.

"Surprised to see you here, definitely." James commented but gave a fond smile in Kinn's direction. "How's the office going, Officer?"

"Like hell." He said honestly. "We don't do anything. I really miss you, guys. How's Pete doing?" He asked in a lower voice, so Pete couldn't hear, in case they were to talk shit about him.

"Are you kidding? Pete might as well be one of us. He just now sat down since he got here. He's great!" Jim replied, his big teethed smile visible from the bars of his cell. "He told us all about everything he did in the office and the following eight hours and forty-five minutes he told us about his nephew." He laughed a thunderous laughter, followed by the rest, and even Kinn's. He even thought he heard a small laugh coming from Porsche's cell, but he couldn't be sure.

"I didn't know he had a nephew." Kinn whispered, more to himself than to the prisoners.

"Are you on your way out now, Officer?" James asked.

"I am. Just wanted to say bye, it felt wrong leaving and not telling you, guys." Kinn stated and actually noticed how true the statement was, now that he'd said it.

"Enjoy your weekend!" James said before letting Kinn move himself to Porsche's cell.

And there he was. Tall, broad-shouldered, fierce-eyed Porsche. Wearing the only thing Kinn'd seen him wear, his grey prison clothes that consisted of gray scrub shirts and pants. Porsche was waiting for him with his face nearly plastered against the bars and Kinn felt his heart want to come out of his body and attach itself to the inmate.

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