Some Flirting, Some Tears

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Kinn had the night shift on Monday, so he was very well rested by the time he had to get ready to work and drive to the precinct. He wanted to ignore the feeling of excitement that lingered in his core, because he'd probably be assigned to the fifth floor and he'd get to see a certain someone who had showed up on his dream last night. A dream where they were just making each other company, talking and laughing. Just that no longer surrounded by the pavement walls of the cells, or with a metal wall that divided them when speaking through the cell and the hallway; no, in Kinn's dream, they were talking and talking on a little bench in the middle of nowhere. Only a clearing in the middle of a forest, surrounded by sunflowers and some flower he didn't even recognized. It had felt so nice. But it scared the crap out of Kinn.

So what better approach to it than to ignore the feeling, right?

"So this week I was gonna assign you to the office," Porntip told him after Kinn found her in the lockers, she had just gotten changed to her civil clothes, but was waiting for Kinn, "but Officer Gun had a car accident so he has a medical leave for two weeks- he's okay, don't worry, he's just old and needs the rest, "she said watching Kinn raise his brows, "but we don't have anyone to cover him today, so today you will be on the fifth floor again, you will have to clock out at midnight, and will have to come back at 10 for your morning shift with Officer Anya in the office. I got Officer Pete up in the fifth floor and Officer Vegas in the recreation yard. I just want all of you to get used to as many areas as you can." She explained. She didn't wait for a reply (because why would she?), petted Kinn's back and left.

And Kinn tried not to think of how disappointed he felt that he wouldn't be guarding the fifth floor for a week. Maybe even more if Porntip wanted for all of them to know all the areas.

He left his belongings in his lockers and pretty somberly walked to the elevator and then to the cells' main door. He greeted a new officer he didn't know, Officer Dao. She was short and chubby, about as old as Kinn, Kinn guessed. She had several empty lunch boxes that she piled on one arm as she said goodbye to the prisoners. She smiled a big smiled in Kinn's direction and thanked him when Kinn opened the door for her.

Kinn liked her immediately, he hoped he'd get to see her more often.

"Officer Kinn! Good to see you again, I thought they'd put us with someone else today." James said as Kinn approached the cells. The rest of them stopped talking and were trying to get a glimpse of Kinn through the window bars.

"They will." Kinn answered, trying not to sound as unhappy as he felt about the news. "Only not today, because there was no one to cover Officer Gun."

"Oh, no. Is Officer Gun okay?" Win asked.

"He's okay. But he was in an accident." Kinn informed. There was a commotion amongst the prisoners.

"Shit... I hope he gets well soon... Do you know how many days he'll be off?" Jim asked.

"About two weeks, I think."

"Well, he's kind of old, but that man is built well. I'm sure he'll be fine in no time and we'll have him here shushing us again in no time, too." James commented and the rest agreed.

Kinn chatted with them for a while, as they told stories of Officer Gun.

"Well, Officer Kinn, you look happy today." Time commented with his usual smirk that made Kinn feel very uncomfortable. "I bet you got some action during the weekend?" He asked and made hand motion that was, if anything, inappropriate.

Kinn rolled his eyes and ignored him.

"Man, shut the fuck up." James growled and threw a furious look in Time's direction, which seemed to upset him but he soon settled down, at noticing the rest followed James' feeling. "Sorry, Officer."

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