The Boy Who Lived and whatnot

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I changed my username but this is astridk97 ;;u;;

Ya'll i forgot to upload this yesterday hahaha D: i ran a lot of errands and when i came back home id totally forgotten what day it was haha but here it is!


Kinn was bored out of his mind when night came. He'd asked the inmates if they wanted to go the recreational area but they were tired after lunch. Apparently the food had a type of plant that had an anxiolytic effect on people. And the inmates ate as much as they could, so they were sleepy. And Kinn was bored.

So he decided to take a walk through the cells, just to confirm they were all in their beds, snoring, some louder than others. When he got to the last cell, he was surprised to find Porsche still reading his pretty worn out copy of Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone, although he did look like he was fighting to stay awake.

So Kinn cleared his throat, getting Porsche's attention (barely). Porsche side eyed him and was about to continue reading when Kinn decided to speak.

"Aren't you sleepy?" He asked.

"No." Porsche whispered. It was so low, Kinn almost thought he'd imagined his voice. This was his first time ever hearing the inmate's voice and it was nice, it had a nice tone and it matched Porsche's figure like a glove.

But he was a liar, then. Because he definitely looked like he was about to fall asleep. But Kinn wasn't going to say anything. The last thing he wanted right now was for Porsche to sleep, not when he finally got a word out of him. And Porsche answering probably meant he also needed the distraction.

"This is your first time reading it?" Kinn nodded in direction of the book, still on Porsche's hands.

Porsche hesitated for a moment before closing the book, folding the page he was reading to bookmark for later. He looked in Kinn's direction with curious eyes.

"I've read it a few times." Porsche answered, with a low voice but not so much for Kinn to think he'd imagined it again.

"Me too." Kinn said and grabbed the bars from the window, almost wishing he was inside the cell with the inmate. He shook the thought off as soon as it got to his brain, because, what the hell? "My older brother was the biggest fan of the saga; he'd watch it all the time on the TV, and since he was older, I had to watch whatever he wanted to watch... but I did like it at the end, and asked Santa for the books." Kinn snorted at the memory, and didn't miss the corner of Porsche's mouth twitching a little as well, as he tried to suppress the smile. "My brother liked the movies but he's not fond of reading so the books were all for me. At least until my younger brother decided he liked reading, too."

Kinn noticed the way Porsche's shoulders suddenly tensed and how he squeezed the book still in his hands. He shut his eyes closed and his body language suddenly looked very jittery, his hands started shaking. And Kinn didn't know why.

"You okay?" Kinn asked with deep voice.

Porsche's hands kept shaking and he was biting his lower lip at some point. Kinn really was about to just enter the cell, against all his survivor instincts but just as he lowered his hand to get the key, Porsche lost the strength on his shut eyes, and after breathing three long breaths, calmed down. He stopped shaking and he released his lips, they were all red for the force that was used on them.

Kinn waited what felt like hours but in reality couldn't be even five minutes, before he spoke with hoarse voice. "Are you okay? Do you need something?"

Porsche took another minute before he shook his head.

"Sorry." He apologized.

"No, I'm sorry... If-... if I did or said something wrong, I'm sorry." Kinn stuttered.

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