Chapter 79 Extra: Fish Tail Turns into Legs 1

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A month has passed since Gu Chen and his partner came back, and everything has gradually settled. The former royal family planned the last rebellion in the interstellar court, and was already arranged to participate in it. The federal troops present were wiped out in one fell swoop, and all participants were sentenced to life imprisonment.

The reason why it is called the last rebellion is because after a vote by the entire federation, the royal family was officially abolished.

Gu Chen has been very busy this month. He had a good plan in mind, but when there was no leader, he still had to be the one who made the final decision.

The man's face was darkened for thirty days.

Maybe he didn't have such a low pressure before, after all, the little mermaid could always wait for him at home, but since the mermaid experiment was officially banned, people were heartbroken, and the little mermaid had already become a symbol of the times in their hearts, but the mermaid experiment was officially After it stops, perhaps a hundred years from now there will no longer be a race of mermaids in the world.

Out of humanitarianism, the attention of the little mermaids has been comprehensively increased, the system that was not perfect before has been standardized, and the mermaid teaching has become more complete.

Jiang Chen was always restless. At that time, he had a smart brain that could play the game proficiently. As soon as he heard that the mermaid school was officially merged into the military academy, and there were no restrictions at all, and there was almost no difference in the courses, he immediately followed. Flair and the others signed up.

The man's demeanor became grim when he learned the bad news that night.

However, he did not dare to be cold to the little mermaid, so he could only pretend to be pitiful. Unfortunately, he failed to make his partner relent, so he went to work every day with personal emotions. Li Junyan, who had been single for ten thousand years and had no chance to wait for him again, The beloved soul mermaid jumped and taunted, and was repeatedly beaten.

He was in a particularly bad mood today. When the two of them woke up in the morning, the little mermaid still had some soreness and numbness in her tail. This situation had been going on for a long time. After returning from the restricted area, she also did a thorough inspection at the Mermaid Research Center, but in the end No problem was found.

Gu Chen wanted to stay calm on the surface, but secretly he was almost crazy with worry. Fortunately, the little mermaid had no other symptoms except for the occasional pain in the tail. However, the fish was not afraid of him at all now, especially today because of the special situation and the firm words. He refused the man's request for leave, put on his small backpack and boarded the mermaid school bus early in the morning, and met Christopher.

Today is a big day, and the mermaids on campus are in high spirits, but also a little nervous.

The first all-natural mermaid baby is about to be born! This has never happened before in the Federation. The unborn cub has received the attention of all the mermaids and new humans, and his father and mother are even more nervous.

Of course, this statement is false.

Flair didn't take the fish seriously at all. She thought her babies were absolutely tenacious, and it wasn't until the last day of giving birth that Clayton begged her to take them to the hospital.

It turned out that the expectant father's prediction was spot on, and they received news of the birth of the cub early the next morning.

What excited everyone was that what was born this time was a little mermaid cub!

This simply exceeded everyone's expectations and imagination. Originally, it was a surprise for them that humans and mermaids could give birth to cubs, but they did not expect that there would be an unexpected surprise. The disappearance of the mermaid race may have to be re-determined.

As for the current classroom, the mermaids immediately started making a fuss after the last class.

As the eldest elder, Christopher couldn't hide his excitement, but he could control his emotions and arrange for these active little guys to visit Fular and the little mermaid cubs in an orderly manner.

Jiang Chen was so nervous that he almost jumped up. This was the first time he was close to a new life. He couldn't help but look forward to it, and he boldly started ordering his favorite snacks for the little cub who hadn't shown up yet.

Christopher saw it by chance and rubbed his limp hair dumbfounded.

"God, for a little cub, Fulal is really powerful!"

"I have decided, for the sake of Zaizai, next time Fulal hammers me, my uncle will definitely not be as knowledgeable as her mother. !"

The mermaids burst into laughter, and Jiang Chen couldn't hide his joy. They booked a car to go to the hospital and walked together.

When get out of class was about to end, Jiang Chen received the message from the man on time. Gu Chen was worried. No matter how busy he was every day, he would come to pick up his own fish. However, today he was ruthlessly rejected. The little mermaid said that he would act with everyone.

Gu Chen didn't want to be such a mother-in-law, but he still couldn't help but made a call. Eat whatever you want, don't get excited, don't touch your tail, and gave a series of instructions. In the end, Jiang Chen, who was good-tempered, couldn't bear it anymore and interrupted him: "Sir , I have already reached adulthood."

Of course Gu Chen knew it, but he couldn't control himself. The man had a tigerish face, and finally had to hang up the phone amidst the whispers and ridicule of his subordinates.

He was worried, and finally took the time to catch up on the progress. He asked Lin Qi to prepare a gift and hurried towards the hospital.

At this time in the hospital, Flair was looking at the unscrupulous mermaids who were taking turns playing with her babies with wide eyes.

Jiang Chen was squeezed in the middle. His heart almost melted when he saw the little mermaid in Christopher's arm. He couldn't help but want to pull his face. He finally understood the reason why these mermaids went crazy when he appeared. Their race is There must be a kind of person who is cute and cute, and can't control himself at all.

"He's so soft, even softer than Jiang Chen."

The mermaid sighed as she poked the little guy.

Flair yelled in grief and anger: "I haven't had enough fun yet. How long are you going to play until?"

Mermaid: "Then there is no time."

Laughter suddenly spread in the spacious room.

Jiang Chen was also amused by Flair's rare appearance of not knowing how to respond, but perhaps he was retribution for robbing someone else's child to play with. He just laughed for a few seconds when he felt a pain in his tail and instantly grabbed his body. Side Christopher succeeded.

The elder looked over with some worry. Jiang Chen originally wanted him not to worry, but the words turned into shouting before he could say anything.

He immediately arched his waist and tightened his tail, as if something was struggling to come out. To say it hurt, in fact, it should be more weird.

So he could still contact Pingyang steadily when the mermaids were in panic.

Fortunately, there were quite a few mermaid researchers here because of Fular's birth, and they immediately gathered around after hearing this.

Flair held the little baby she finally got, and looked at Jiang Chen beside her in panic. He obviously came to see her, but in the end he became a patient next door.

The mermaids were dumbfounded for two seconds, and then spontaneously divided into two teams. One team was guarding Fular, and the other team went to watch outside Jiang Chen's gate.

They looked at each other and watched Pingyang and others hurriedly entered the ward, and the door was slammed shut.

When Gu Chen received the news, he was wandering outside the hospital. He was thinking about finding a more serious reason to avoid being seen through by the little guy.

I originally thought that Jiang Chen's little mermaid would be more clingy, but unexpectedly, I ended up being the one who couldn't live without him.

The majestic General Gu was wandering outside the hospital, frightening everyone.

Although they admired him, it was more about the admiration brought by watching from a distance. They were really close to this murderous weapon and talked to each other, which made everyone tremble with fear.

But immediately, they saw a man who was more frightened than them.

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