Fighting fire with fire

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Y/n woke up in the hospital and after getting a check up you got discharged.

When she got to school everyone was looking at her different from what they used too.

You heard people gossips and it was all about you.

Then all of a sudden the principal saw you..


When you went in he told you that you are being suspended from school for bad behavior for a week and it would go in your student records..

You explained what happened but he didn't believe you..

As you were leaving school Arabella walked up to you and  in front of everyone...

Arabella: oh poor y/n, I wish I could help you..

Y/n: what the heck is wrong with you?

Arabella: what are you talking about? I'm just sad my friend won't be here?

Y/n: since when were we friends?

Arabella:your funny..

* she was hugging you so you pushed her off (not hard and she squealed like she was in pain and rolled on the floor right in front of a teacher*

Teacher: HEY STOP!

Y/n: no your misunderstanding!

Teacher: I've seen enough!

The teacher brought you to the principal and he said that if you do one  more thing you will be kicked out of the school then he proceeds to comfort Arabella.

That night you couldn't sleep you felt so angry! Then you got a call from Jake and he turned the call into a group call and Jungwon told you about a plan to show evidence to the teacher then hurt Arabella, but then you shared a even better plan!

* time skip 1 week later*

You walked into school and walked straight to class and ignored all the gossip

You really thought that after all that happened Arabella would have stopped, but nooooo! She just got worse, everyday she beat you up and called you names, everyday she would bully you, but one day she did something to far...

Arabella: you have been gaining a lot of weight lately!

Y/n: thanks?

Arabella: I should help you loose it!

she started punching your stomach and then she took you to the school basement that was used as storage and they saw a treadmill and tied you so you would be stuck on top of the treadmill and they turned it on the highest settings and left, little did they know that your friends recorded it and then untied you...

* time skip a month later*

Throughout the month she tried to make your life a living hell and if it wasn't for your friends it would have been, you saw a poster about prom, you knew exactly what to do...

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