46B. Sorrows, Christmas, Sorrows

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Peace— Five fucking letter words that I can't be.

Is there light in your own area? Because there's no light in my own area oo and I'm tired at this point.

If you've always felt pity for INI, my people, you will feel more for her after reading this chapter.

The songs for these chapter are:

1. Its yours by Omah lay
2. What was I made for by Billie Eilish
3. Are you gone already by Nicki Minaj

And I hope you understand what I wrote and you understand the hints I've dropped.



And the ugly duckling discovered that she wasn't a duckling at all. She was a beautiful swan,”

The little girl had already gotten tired and her eyes had closed. She was asleep and she looked so peaceful and I wanted to tell her to cherish that peace because that was the only time that she would ever be peaceful.

I watched her elder sister leave her room and I wanted to scream and pull her back but I couldn't. I was stuck in my bed, watching the little girl sleep peacefully.

Then she stood up and rubbed her belly.

Her polka-dot skirt had gone up a little and her pink Strawberry shortcake shirt was rumpled. She smoothened her T-shirt as she walked out of the room.

I didn't move with the little girl but I could see her as she moved down the stairs with her brown teddy bear in her left hand.

Her teddy had lost one of its ears and most of the cotton was out already but she didn't want to get a new teddy bear. The teddy was her first gift from her elder sister and she just wanted it to be with her because she felt that if her teddy was always with her, her sister would always be with her.

She was wrong.

“Emem, are you there?” The little girl out as she tightened the grip on her teddy bear.

There was no one at home and she was always scared of the big house but not whenever she was with Emem. Emem was her guide. Whenever she was with her sister, her fears dissipated into nothing.

“Emem, I’m hungry,” she whispered as she walked over to the table.

There were slices of sandwiches in her favorite strawberry shortcake plate and a cup of cranberry juice was beside it. She knew that her sister had made them for her but her sister would've been there to give her.

There was a note besides the letter and the little girl picked it up. She was a little above six and she was smarter than her age so she could read.

~• I’m gone. Don't miss me. I made your favorite sandwiches for you.

Love from Emem.

She picked up the first sandwich and took a bite but she couldn't deny the feeling that something was wrong with the atmosphere. She felt too cold and the air conditioner wasn't even on.

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