Unveiling truth

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Several months later...

*Jimin's Perspective*

"And you still think I haven't known about you? You little scum," I gritted my teeth as I delivered a swift kick to his trembling, dying form. His pleading eyes begged for mercy, but a man of his ilk had no place in this world. Kneeling down, I removed the cloth stuffed in his mouth.

"Please, let me go!" he pleaded.

"What?" I mocked him with feigned innocence.

"Please, it was the biggest mistake," he confessed, tears mingling with blood, sweat, and anguish.

"A mistake?" I tightened my grip around his neck, cutting off his desperate pleas for life. "You should have thought before harming my wife," I bellowed, drawing a gun from my waist and delivering the final blow.

"You deserve only this."

"Sir, how do we proceed now? There's no trace of the culprit," the young man queried.

"I don't care. I want him alive, begging at my feet," I growled, gripping his collar with a final warning.

It had been over three months since we began the hunt for the individual who sent Jake to harm Y/N. Despite isolating and torturing Jake, he remained tight-lipped. Frustrated, I ended his life. I still vividly recalled finding her in distress, and the mere thought of losing her sent shivers down my spine. Shaking off my reverie, I headed home in my Benz.

Before reaching home, a call interrupted my thoughts. Sio, my driver, glanced at me through the mirror as I retrieved my phone from my pocket. It was Claire.

"Hello? Miss Claire?" I answered.

"Y/N is pale and has a fever. Can you come back soon?" her voice trembled with concern.

"Okay," I hung up and instructed Sio to hasten.

Minutes later, I rushed into the house, discarding my blazer carelessly. Making my way to Y/N's room, I found her in bed, her complexion drained. Dropping to my knees beside her, I felt her forehead for signs of fever.

"She's been pale all day," Miss Claire informed me.

"Did she eat anything out of the ordinary?" I inquired.

"No, we're strict about her diet," she replied.

Panic gripped me as I observed Y/N's discomfort. "Miss Claire, call the doctor," I urged.

Fifteen tense minutes passed as nurses bustled in and out of the room. Finally, the doctor emerged, his expression grave.

"Mr. Park," he addressed me solemnly.

"Yes?" I responded, bracing myself for his diagnosis.

"Were you aware of her condition?" he questioned sharply, his gaze piercing.

"What do you mean?" confusion clouded my mind as I searched for answers.

"Why so serious, Mr. Park? It seems you neglected to inform her," he remarked, disappointment evident in his tone.

"Congratulations, Mr. Park," he continued, his words laced with sarcasm.

Unsettled, I warned him to get to the point. He instructed me to follow him into Y/N's room, leaving me dumbfounded.

Inside, I confronted the doctor, who was already examining Y/N.

"You need not touch her," I asserted firmly.

"I'm just doing my job, Mr. Park," he retorted.

Suppressing my anger, I joined Y/N's side as the doctor continued his examination. Moments later, he handed me his stethoscope, revealing a surprising revelation:

Y/N was pregnant.

"He announced," he declared with authority.

Adrenaline surged through my body, rendering my trembling legs inert, incapable of supporting my weight. My limbs felt leaden, and my vision struggled to keep pace with the rapid beating of my heart.

"I shall prescribe the necessary medications and requisites for her from this point onward," he assured.
"Leave!" I commanded before he could utter another word. My throat was raw, scraping against the walls of my esophagus. I sensed my heart pounding relentlessly against its confines, while my limbs tingled with numbness. An overwhelming sensation consumed me, rendering me incapable of maintaining my balance.
Summoning every ounce of strength, I propelled myself towards the bathroom. As I flung the door open, it swung wide with a force that nearly sent me sprawling across the floor. Inadvertently, I kicked the dustbin, causing its contents to spill out onto the tiled surface. Among the debris, the pills I had dutifully administered to her over the past months tumbled out of their container.
A surge of shock coursed through me, causing my heart to plummet to the depths of despair. A throbbing ache pulsed through my head, while tears welled up in the corners of my eyes. My entire being succumbed to a numbing paralysis, consumed by the weight of the unexpected revelation of her pregnancy.

A few weeks later...

It's been two weeks since I began administering her the pills. I never wanted this baby, yet I find myself torn between wanting to inflict pain on someone who doesn't deserve it. Y/n remains oblivious to the news. Every time I see her sleeping peacefully in bed, a torrent of thoughts floods my mind.

"Will she believe this? What if she's traumatized? What if she attempts suicide? What if? What if?" Countless scenarios plague my thoughts whenever her presence graces my surroundings.
This oblivious girl, unaware of her pregnancy, represents one of the gravest mistakes I've ever made. I am unsure how she will confront this reality, and equally uncertain of how I will guide her through it.

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