Veiled Affliction

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Y/n's perspective:

It has been two months since Jimin ceased administering those insipid pills to me. Not once have I ingested a single dose. However, his abrupt decision has provided me with yet another impetus to scrutinize the situation meticulously. He has never bestowed upon me even a modicum of attention or affection since the day we entered into this coerced matrimonial bond. Nevertheless, over the past fortnight, he has exhibited an unprecedented level of solicitousness towards every facet of my existence. He now invariably clasps my hand as I descend the stairs, forsaking all external obligations regardless of their urgency. His constant presence in our chambers, his placement of a soft rug upon the floor, and his removal of all the furniture and glass artifacts have transformed the ambiance. Despite my repeated refusals, he persists in communicating with me in an affable manner. His recent behavior perplexes me greatly and arouses suspicions with each passing day.

*The door clicks open.*
I avert my gaze towards the entrance, where Jimin stands, bearing a tray laden with victuals. His smile, as radiant as ever, pierces through me, evoking conflicting emotions within.

He settles beside me on the bed, delicately placing the tray upon the nightstand.
"So, today's menu consists of fruit salad, a glass of milk, and—"

"Why are you subjecting me to this?" I interject before he can continue, bitterness tainting my tone.
He remains silent.
"Tell me! Why are you subjecting me to this?" I press, swallowing the acrimony pervading the air.
Still, he offers no response, maintaining his silence.
My lips quiver, overwhelmed by a surge of emotions; the pain gripping my heart and constricting my throat implores release. Tears pool at the corners of my eyes.
"Y/n, please," he pleads, spooning a morsel of rice towards me.
I shake my head vehemently.
"Y/n, please," he repeats, presenting the spoon before my lips, beseeching me to partake.
"No! I refuse," I retort.

"Y/n, please, open your mouth," he implores, his eyes reflecting his earnest plea.

"Jimin, why are you subjecting me to this torment? Why?" Tears cascade down my cheeks, unrestrained. Attempting to flee the bed, I am ensnared by his firm grip on my wrist.

"Y/n, sit," he commands, his eyes devoid of emotion. I wrench my hand free momentarily, only for him to reclaim it and position himself in front of me.

"Jimi—," before I can protest further, he seizes my arm, propelling my body towards his own. His embrace engulfs me, his heartbeat reverberating against my chest. His erratic breathing betrays a turmoil within him. With his head bowed, his lips brush against my ear as he whispers, "Y/n, please, hear me out." I lift my gaze to meet his, and he stares back, unwavering.

"Why are you doing this, Jimin? Please desist," I plead, my words trailing off as his lips meet mine.

I retreated, ultimately surrendering to the bed as he hovered over me. Slowly, my hands found solace in his locks, caressing his scalp. He ensnared my lips, delicately nibbling, while cradling my face in his palm.

Gently parting his lips from mine, he peered into my eyes, delving into the depths of my soul.

"Y/n!" he exhaled my name, laden with agony, sending a surge of adrenaline coursing through me.

"Hm," was all I could manage, my throat tight with anticipation. He brushed the strands from my face, tucking them behind my ear.

"Y/n," he repeated, leaning closer until our foreheads touched, our breaths intertwining. As I scrutinized his flawless features, he pulled away, locking his gaze with mine.

"Have you been taking the medication I've prescribed for the past months?" Jimin inquired, his sudden concern seizing my breath, almost inducing a panic attack. I swallowed hard before responding.

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