alk fires leah... wow

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ALK3LVR: I'm sorry, Leah, but I have to let you go from your position as the chief of BAN fanfiction.

LEAH: What? Why?

ALK3LVR: Your recent work has been receiving a lot of negative feedback from our readers. They're not happy with the direction you've been taking the stories in.

LEAH: But I've been working so hard on those stories! I put my heart and soul into them!

ALK3LVR: I understand that, but as the chief, it's your responsibility to ensure that the content being published represents our community in a positive light. And unfortunately, that hasn't been the case lately.

LEAH: This is unfair! I can't believe you're firing me!

ALK3LVR: I'm sorry, Leah. It's for the best. We can discuss severance and references later, but for now, I need you to clean out your desk and hand over any unfinished projects to your replacement.

RXNT (storming in): What is going on here?

ALK3LVR: I'm sorry, Rxnt, but I had to let Leah go from her position as the chief of BAN fanfiction.

RXNT: What? Are you serious? Leah has been an integral part of our team for years! How could you just fire her like that?

ALK3LVR: It was a difficult decision, but it had to be done for the sake of our community.

RXNT: This is outrageous! I demand that you reconsider and give Leah her job back!

ALK3LVR: I'm sorry, Rxnt, but my decision is final.

RXNT: Well, I don't accept it. And I won't let you get away with treating Leah like this. She deserves better.

ALK3LVR: I understand that you're upset, but I have to do what's best for BAN. Now, if you'll excuse me, I have a lot of work to do.

RXNT: I can't believe this. You've just lost a loyal and talented member of our team. I hope you're happy with yourself, alk3lvr.

ALK3LVR: I'm sorry you feel that way, Rxnt. But I have to do what's best for the community. Goodbye.

(Rxnt storms out of the room, fuming with anger)

ALK3LVR: (sighs) Being a leader is never easy. But I have to do what's right, even if it's not always popular.

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