crax x rxnt pt 2.... im crying guys... *sobs cutely* *preppily* *crys*

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Crax and Rxnt had been together for three years. They had met in college and had instantly hit it off. They were each other's best friend, confidant, and lover. For the first two years of their relationship, everything was perfect. They would spend all their free time together, exploring the city, trying new restaurants, and going on adventures. They were the envy of all their friends.

But as time went on, things started to change. Crax was a free spirit, always looking for new experiences and challenges, while Rxnt was more of a homebody, content with routine and stability. At first, these differences were what attracted them to each other. They balanced each other out and brought out the best in each other. But as they got deeper into their relationship, these differences started to create tension between them.

Their arguments became more frequent, and they found themselves drifting apart. Crax would get frustrated with Rxnt for not wanting to try new things, while Rxnt felt like Crax was always pushing them out of their comfort zone. They tried to compromise, but it seemed like they were never on the same page.

Their relationship became strained, and they started spending more and more time apart. Crax would go off on solo adventures, while Rxnt stayed at home, content with their routine. They both missed each other, but they were afraid to talk about their feelings. They didn't want to admit that their relationship was falling apart.

Finally, after months of tension, they had a big fight. It was the same argument they had been having for months, but this time it was different. They both realized that they wanted different things in life and that they were no longer compatible as a couple.

It was a heartbreaking decision, but they both knew it was for the best. They decided to take some time apart to figure out what they wanted in life. Crax went on a solo trip to clear his head, while Rxnt stayed at home and focused on their career.

During their time apart, they both realized that they had been holding each other back. Crax had been afraid to fully embrace his free spirit, while Rxnt had been holding back their adventurous side. They also realized that they still cared deeply for each other and didn't want to lose the friendship they had built over the years.

When they finally met up to talk, they decided to end their romantic relationship but remain friends. It was a bittersweet moment, but they knew it was the right decision. They promised to support each other in their future endeavors and to always be there for each other.

Crax and Rxnt's breakup was not easy, but it was necessary for them to grow as individuals. They both learned a lot from their relationship and were grateful for the time they had spent together. They may not have ended up together, but they were able to maintain a strong friendship and support each other in their separate paths. And in the end, that was all that really mattered.

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