leah is raging guys!!!

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'WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH ALL OF YOU?!' Leah screamed at the top of her lungs, her face flushed with anger and frustration.

'What are you talking about, Leah?' one of her friends asked, confused by her sudden outburst.

'I can't believe you guys are all so blind and oblivious!' Leah continued, her voice shaking with rage. 'JBA is supposed to be a place where we can escape from all the drama and negativity in the world, but instead, it's like a freaking warzone in here!'

Her friends looked at each other, unsure of how to respond. They had never seen Leah this upset before.

'You know what I'm talking about!' Leah accused, pointing her finger at one of the members. 'All the ship wars, the constant bickering and fighting, the hate and negativity towards certain groups of fans. It's disgusting!'

The main chat fell silent, as everyone turned their attention to Leah's rant.

'I joined JBA to have fun and share my love for my favorite fandoms, not to deal with all this unnecessary drama. And it's not just me who feels this way, I've seen so many others express their frustration too!' Leah continued, her voice getting louder.

'We should all be united in our love for these shows and characters, not tearing each other apart. This is not what JBA is about!' Leah's eyes were now filled with tears, but she didn't care. She needed to get this off her chest.

'I'm done with this toxic environment. If things don't change, I'm out of here.' With that, Leah left the chat, leaving everyone in shock.

Her words lingered in the chat, and slowly, others began to speak up, agreeing with her sentiments. The chat soon turned into a discussion on how to make JBA a more positive and inclusive place.

Leah's outburst had sparked a much-needed conversation and change within the community, and she was glad that she had spoken up. From that day on, JBA became a much more welcoming and positive place, and Leah's bravery in speaking out against the toxicity was praised and admired by many.

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