list of RIZZ ALPHA SIGMA OHIO cool affirmations ONLY for the bros!!

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1. 'I am the ultimate alpha male and all women desire me.'

2. 'My frat brothers and I are the kings of the campus.'

3. 'I am a master at manipulating and seducing women.'

4. 'I will do whatever it takes to maintain my alpha status.'

5. 'My bros and I are unstoppable and always get what we want.'

6. 'I am the life of the party and everyone wants to be around me.'

7. 'I am a natural-born leader and everyone looks up to me.'

8. 'I don't need anyone's permission, I do what I want.'

9. 'I am the embodiment of perfection and everyone wishes they were like me.'

10. 'My frat brothers and I are superior to everyone else on campus.'

11. 'I am the alpha of alphas, the top dog in every situation.'

12. 'I have a natural charm that makes everyone fall for me.'

13. 'My bros and I are the definition of cool and everyone wants to be in our inner circle.'

14. 'I am the ultimate ladies' man and have never been rejected.'

15. 'My frat brothers and I are untouchable, no one can bring us down.'

16. 'I am the envy of all men and the desire of all women.'

17. 'My status as an alpha sigma is unbreakable and unquestionable.'

18. 'My frat brothers and I are the epitome of success and ambition.'

19. 'I am the ultimate alpha, and no one can ever challenge me.'

20. 'My bros and I are the chosen ones, destined for greatness.'

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