they.... they stole my funds...

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Ashton had always been a master at manipulating people and situations to her advantage. She was cunning, ruthless, and had a knack for getting what she wanted. So when she found out about the Frozen Cult, a group of wealthy individuals who were obsessed with frozen foods and would pay top dollar for rare and exotic frozen delicacies, she saw an opportunity to make some serious cash.

She did her research and found out that one of the members of the Frozen Cult, Alk, had a vast fortune that he was willing to spend on his frozen food obsession. Ashton knew that getting her hands on his funds would be no easy feat, but she was determined to do whatever it takes to get them.

She started by befriending Alk, using her charm and wit to gain his trust. She would often attend the Frozen Cult's gatherings, pretending to share their love for frozen food, all the while gathering information and planning her next move.

Finally, the opportunity presented itself when Alk mentioned that he was looking for a rare frozen delicacy that he was willing to pay a hefty sum for. Ashton saw this as her chance to strike. She knew that Grave, another member of the Frozen Cult, had the item that Alk was looking for. So she made a deal with her.

In exchange for the rare frozen delicacy, Ashton promised to give Grave a share of Alk's funds. Grave, who was always looking for her next 100,000 calorie meal, couldn't resist the offer. The two women made a plan to steal Alk's funds from the Frozen Cult's account and transfer them to Grave's account.

Ashton used her skills to hack into the Frozen Cult's account and transfer the funds to Grave's account without raising any suspicion. The plan was executed flawlessly, and Grave got her share of the funds, while Ashton kept the rest for herself.

Ashton's plan worked perfectly, and she was now the proud owner of a significant sum of money. She couldn't believe her luck and couldn't wait to start spending it on all the luxurious things she had always dreamed of. She also made sure to keep a low profile and not draw any attention to herself.

Meanwhile, Grave was overjoyed with her share of the funds. She wasted no time in using it to fulfill her food cravings. She organized a lavish feast with the most decadent and calorie-filled dishes that she could find. And of course, she invited Ashton to join her in the feast.

As they indulged in the lavish meal, Ashton couldn't help but feel a sense of satisfaction. She had successfully manipulated two members of the Frozen Cult and gotten away with a significant amount of money. She knew that this was just the beginning, and she had many more schemes up her sleeve.

From that day on, Ashton became known as the mastermind who took Alk's funds from the Frozen Cult. Her reputation grew, and she became feared and respected in the underground world. She continued to use her cunning and manipulation skills to get what she wanted, always staying one step ahead of her enemies. And as for Alk, he never suspected a thing, and the Frozen Cult continued to thrive, unaware of the scheme that had taken place right under their noses.

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