crax x rxnt pt 1😢😢😢

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Crax and Rxnt had been friends for years. They had met in high school and had an instant connection. They were both in the same science class and bonded over their love for biology and chemistry. They would often spend hours after class discussing different experiments and theories.

As they got older, their friendship only grew stronger. They attended the same college and even took the same major. They were inseparable, always studying together and helping each other with assignments. They were the perfect study partners, always pushing each other to do their best.

But as they spent more and more time together, they started to realize that their feelings for each other were more than just friendship. They found themselves looking at each other in a different way, and their conversations became more flirtatious.

One day, Crax finally mustered the courage to ask Rxnt on a date. He had been wanting to do it for a while, but he was afraid of risking their friendship. But he couldn't deny his feelings any longer.

To his relief, Rxnt said yes. They went on their first date, and it was magical. They were both nervous at first, but as the night went on, they felt more and more comfortable with each other. They talked and laughed like they always did, but this time there was a spark between them.

After that night, they started dating officially. They were both over the moon, finally able to express their feelings for each other without fear. They went on many more dates, trying out new restaurants, going to concerts, and exploring the city.

Their friends were not surprised when they found out that Crax and Rxnt were dating. They had always seen the chemistry between them and were happy to see them together. Crax and Rxnt's relationship only strengthened their friendship with each other and their friends.

As they continued to date, they discovered even more things they had in common. They both loved hiking and camping, and would often go on weekend trips together. They also shared a passion for traveling and would often plan trips to different countries.

Their relationship was built on a strong foundation of friendship, and that made it even better. They knew each other inside and out, and there were no secrets between them. They could be themselves around each other, and that made their love even stronger.

Crax and Rxnt's journey from friends to lovers was a natural progression. They were meant to be together, and their friendship only made their relationship that much more special. They were grateful to have found love in their best friend and knew that their love would only continue to grow.

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