craw x runt!!! 🤑🤑🤑🤑😱😱

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Craw and Rxnt had been friends for years. They had met in college and quickly hit it off, bonding over their love of sports and music. They had always been there for each other through thick and thin, supporting each other through all their highs and lows. But as they spent more and more time together, their friendship began to turn into something more.

It started with small moments, like lingering looks and touches that lasted just a little too long. They would find excuses to spend more time together, whether it was going to concerts or grabbing dinner after class. They couldn't deny the chemistry between them, but they were both afraid to ruin their friendship by taking it to the next level.

But as they spent more time together, they couldn't deny their feelings any longer. One night, after a particularly fun evening out, they found themselves alone in Craw's car. As they talked and laughed, they both realized that there was something more between them. Without even realizing it, they leaned in for a kiss.

That one kiss changed everything. In that moment, they both knew that they were meant to be more than just friends. They started dating and it felt like the most natural thing in the world. They had already been so comfortable with each other, but now there was an added layer of intimacy and passion.

Their friends were all surprised when they announced that they were dating, but they were also incredibly happy for them. Craw and Rxnt's relationship only seemed to make them stronger as a couple. They had already been through so much together as friends, and now they were able to fully support and love each other as partners.

As their relationship continued to grow and deepen, they found that they were each other's perfect match. They balanced each other out, with Craw's outgoing and adventurous personality complementing Rxnt's more reserved and thoughtful nature. They were each other's rock, always there to support and uplift one another.

Now, looking back on their journey from friends to lovers, they couldn't imagine it any other way. They were grateful for the strong foundation of friendship that they had built their relationship on. It made their love even stronger and more enduring. Craw and Rxnt were proof that the best relationships often start with a strong friendship.

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