haunt is a YANDERE!!??!? i hate my life -alk

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Rocket and Haunt had been together for as long as anyone could remember. They were both members of the prestigious orchestra in their small town, and their love for music had brought them together. Every day, they would meet at the orchestra's practice room and spend hours playing their instruments and creating beautiful melodies together.

Their love for each other was evident to everyone around them. They would always steal glances at each other during practice, and their chemistry was electric whenever they played together. It was a love that inspired jealousy in others, but Rocket and Haunt didn't care. They were lost in their own world, where only their music and their love existed.

But one day, everything changed. Haunt showed up for practice as usual, but Rocket was nowhere to be found. Haunt waited for hours, growing more and more worried with each passing minute. He called Rocket's phone, but there was no answer. He asked around the orchestra, but no one had seen or heard from Rocket.

As the sun began to set, Haunt's worry turned to panic. He couldn't imagine where Rocket could be. They had never fought, and Rocket had never missed a practice before. Haunt decided to go to Rocket's house to check on him. As he approached the house, he saw a police car parked outside. His heart sank as he realized something must have happened to Rocket.

He ran inside, only to find Rocket's lifeless body lying on the ground. The room was a mess, and there was a knife next to Rocket's body. Haunt couldn't believe what he was seeing. He fell to his knees, tears streaming down his face as he realized that Rocket was gone.

The police questioned Haunt, and he told them everything he knew. He had no idea who could have done this to Rocket. The only thing he knew for sure was that he had lost the love of his life.

But as the investigation continued, the truth began to unravel. It turned out that Haunt was not as innocent as he seemed. He had always been possessive of Rocket, and when he found out that Rocket had been spending time with another member of the orchestra, he couldn't handle it.

In a fit of rage and jealousy, Haunt had killed Rocket. He had convinced himself that if he couldn't have Rocket, no one else could. He had destroyed the one thing that meant everything to him.

As the reality of what he had done sunk in, Haunt was consumed by guilt and regret. He realized too late that his love for Rocket had turned into an obsession, and it had driven him to do the unthinkable.

The orchestra was left in shock and mourning over the loss of Rocket. They couldn't believe that such a tragic end had come to their beloved member. But for Haunt, the loss was even greater. He had lost the love of his life, and he would have to live with the guilt of his actions for the rest of his life.

In the end, the music that had once brought Rocket and Haunt together now only served as a reminder of the love that had been lost. The orchestra would never be the same without Rocket, and Haunt would never be the same without him. Their love story had come to a tragic and devastating end.

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