During Patrol

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When I woke up I felt even worse than when I laid down. But it's nothing I can't handle. It's not like I'm sick or anything. I just feel so tired.

I slowly pushed myself out of bed, groaning a little as the blankets fell off my body leaving it exposed to the surprisingly cold room. A chill ran through me that I quickly shook away. I stood up and stretched, earring a few pops and cracks before looking at the time. Nine fifteen. There's still some time before patrol starts.

I looked over towards my mirror and hesitantly went and stood in front of it. Pulling and poking at parts of my body, a small smile formed on my face. It looked like I lost a little bit of weight! Not as much as I would have liked, but it's enough to be noticeable! But then I looked up at my face for the first time and slightly cringed.

Geez, Leo was right. I do look a little paler than normal.

I leaned closer to the mirror, taking a good look at my face and taking mental notes on everything. Every freckle, every scar, the deep blue bags under my eyes. Which makes no sense to me by the way. I slept for most of the day, and still, my eye bags are deeper than normal. My eye colour seemed to have dulled as well...

No one but me would be able to notice the slight colour change though. The only reason I noticed it is because that's the only part of me I like looking at, and would even spend hours staring at myself in the mirror looking at them.

The pattern has always been almost hypnotizing. I always loved the colour of them as well. The light blue was surrounded by a darker ring, almost the same color as Leo's eyes. And if you looked closely enough, there's a little tiny bit of green around the middle. But now with the duller colour, it almost makes me feel a little sad.

Maybe I am coming down with something...

Suddenly, I was startled by a loud knock at my door. A little shriek escaped me while I fell backward away from the mirror.

"Mikey? You up?" Raph's voice called through the door. In a flash, I crawled and grabbed my mask that was lying on the floor close to my bed, and started tying it on the back of my head, fumbling a little bit. I just know if any of my brothers see how sick I look right now they will instantly get worried. I know that the mask can't cover everything, but at least my eye bags will be covered. And that's the main reason as to why I look so bad right now.

Before I could answer, Raph was opening my door. Just as he poked his head in I had finished tying my mask and sighed in relief. However, as soon as Raph made eye contact with me he frowned.

"Hey dude, you feeling alright? We are about to head out."

"Yeah, dude! I'm fine, I'm just getting my gear on." I smiled at him. He then gave a thumbs-up and walked away, leaving the door slightly open.

I quickly threw the rest of my gear on and followed Raph to the pit where Leo and Donnie were sitting on the couch waiting, while Raph stayed standing with his arms crossed.

"Hey, dudes! I'm ready to go!" I yelled as I jumped in the middle of the pit in front of everyone. Leo smiled up at me and stood up, while Don just nodded his head in acknowledgment.

"Alright, well. I'm glad you're feeling better. Let's head out." Leo patted my head and handed me my nunchucks before we all started walking out of the lair.

Tonight's going to be a good night. I can feel it!


Tonight was in fact, not a good night.

Jumping across buildings has always come easy to me. It was fun. The thrill of being in the air with the potential of falling to your death makes my heart pump fast. In a good way of course.

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