Jellybean Pizza!

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"That was not my fault, yo! You're the one who got in the way!" Casey yelled at April.

They both carefully placed a total of five pizza boxes in the middle of the table that we were all sitting around. Donnie and I were sitting right beside each other, and Leo and Raph were on the opposite side of us. April and Casey were standing at the end of the table closer to Donnie and Raph. There is a box for everyone. Casey and April like to share a box as they can never finish it all on their own. Well. April can't. I'm sure if Casey wanted to, he could. But for us mutant turtles, a simple large box of pizza was nothing. used to be anyway.

Donnie handed me a box and winked. I was a little confused until, with a cocky grin, he quickly opened Casey's and April's box and stole two slices off of Casey's side, and threw them in his own. Casey and April always get half a pizza specifically for them, since Casey doesn't like pineapple on his and April doesn't like bbq sauced pizzas.

I giggled to myself, excited to see how this would play out. April and Casey were arguing about something that happened at school and it seemed like it might take a little while for them to finish up and actually notice the missing pizza.

I looked down at my own pizza and breathed in the steam coming from it. I always loved the smell of pizza. Out of nowhere, Raph threw something toward me, and out of reflex, I caught it. I looked down and saw it's a bag full of jelly beans. I looked up at him with a huge smile across my face. He was eating his pizza trying to hide his own smile. When I looked back down at my pizza my grin quickly faded into a small smile.

I have to eat. I have to. I can barely stand right now without my legs shaking, and I know it's because my body is begging for food. It used to be so easy, so why is it so hard now?

I took a deep breath, and opened the bag of jelly beans, sprinkling a handful of them all over my pepperoni pizza. My favorite combination. Everyone likes to think it's gross, but you can't diss what you haven't tried man! How else would fun-tasting foods be discovered? Like chocolate pancakes? Or tomatoes on burgers? That's pretty much the same thing!

"Whatever Red, but I'm telling ya'. Mr Whisk has got it out for me!" He grumbled and April rolled her eyes. Casey then opened their box of pizza and his mouth dropped, brows furrowed.

"Hey! Who stole my pizza? Raph?! Dude, I'm so hungry, this is not even funny." He said, glaring at Raph. Donnie then grabbed one of Casey's pizza slices from his box and brought it up to his mouth.

"Geez, Casey. What a shame. Missing pizza slices? And when you're already having such a bad day?! Wow, Raph, that's just cruel bro!" Casey then looked over at Donnie right as he bit into his slice with a neutral face, making eye contact with Casey. Casey frowned and formed fists on his side.

"Donnie! Give them back!"

Donnie smirked and took another bite, causing Casey to jump across the table after Donnie who swiftly put a hand out and placed it on Casey's forehead, stopping him from coming closer. He then leaned backward taking another big bite of the pizza moaning a little, keeping his eye contact with Casey.

"You don't even like mushrooms!" Casey growled.

"I know," Donnie said simply, failing to keep his smirk hidden. Casey then managed to jab Donnie's side, causing him to drop his hand on Casey. Casey immediately took that moment and grabbed his now half-eaten pizza out of Donnie's other hand and glared at him. Donnie and everyone else were laughing, earning a very grumpy Casey to grab his second slice from Donnie's box mumbling profanities. He then grabbed his and Aprils box and walked off into the living room.

After that everyone quieted down and were making small conversations that I wasn't paying attention to. April then walked out of the room too, going to find Casey and her pizza. After a few more minutes everyone went completely quiet. I looked up at everyone staring at me with questionable looks.

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