Training 💪😏

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Casey and April left maybe an hour after dinner, mainly because Donnie and Casey were really at each other today. I swear, it's almost as if they're married or something...

"Come on, Leo! Come at me already!" Raph yelled, standing in the middle of the room, fists out in front of him and a bend to his legs, waiting to be attacked at any moment. Leo was in front of him standing calmly, in almost the same pose.

Donnie and I are doing the same, but Raph keeps taking my attention because he was being so goddamn loud! I swear, half of New York can hear him!

Suddenly I see movement from the corner of my eye and I take a big step backwards as soon as my senses tell me to. Donnie stumbled a bit but quickly regained balance and shot a punch to my shoulder hitting it hard. I stumbled backward and grabbed that part of my shoulder. Donnie then went for a kick to the plastron, but I saw it coming. I take another step back, and just because I know how much Donnie loves my backflips, I do just that. When I landed, I looked up just in time to see Donnie's frustrated frown, before he came at me once again, a battle cry leaving his mouth. When he got to me he did a high kick towards my head, but I bent down just in time to not get hit.

While his foot was still in the air, I swooped my foot under his other leg and hit the bend of his knee, forcing it to give up on him and he fell, a whine leaving him. I smiled and did a quick spin to avoid getting fallen on, and then I stood up. Hands rested on my hips as I smiled down at him. However, the fast movements made me feel woozy, and my smile quickly fell. I brought a hand to my head to try to stop my brain from spinning but it seemed to only get worse.

My vision then started to get these weird dark spikes forming from all sides, and there's this ringing that keeps getting louder and louder, to the point I can't hear anything but the ringing. Not even Raph!

I could see Donnie stand back up and go into a defensive position, unaware that anything's wrong.

I shut my eyes tightly and widen my stance, expecting Donnie to knock me down at any minute. But after a few moments of not feeling anything I opened my eyes to see Donnie, maybe a foot in front of me. His eyes were wide and full of concern. He was talking. I know he was talking, his mouth was moving. But I couldn't hear anything.

The dark spikes in my vision grew and the ringing became deafening. I tried focusing back on Donnie but from the little I can still see, he was moving from side to side, which only made me feel sick. He then became less and less apparent and replaced by swirls. Somewhere in the swirls I see slight glimpses of the colour blue and red as everything just grows and grows, and spins and swirls. I can't tell if I was even standing up anymore as my body goes numb. Then suddenly,

Everything goes black.

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