Donnie's Pov! ..Again!!

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I groaned in slight pain after falling onto the ground. Quickly though, I forced myself back onto my feet and got into my defensive stance to process what my next move should be. But as soon as I got a good look at Mikey, all thoughts on what to do disappeared. He was swaying side to side with his eyes shut tight. Did I hurt him? No, I didn't even touch him on that last move...

Cautiously, I walked towards him unsure if this was a prank or not to get me down again.

However, when he opened his eyes, they were clearly out of focus and slightly moving from side to side.

"Uh, Mikey? You okay?" I asked him, louder than wanted. I could see Raph and Leo immediately stop what they were doing from the corner of my eye and looked over at us. Mikey didn't respond. "Guys, something is wrong with Mikey!"

Raph and Leo quickly came towards us and we watched as Mikey started to sway wider and wider and before we knew it, he was falling. I quickly leaped forward and grabbed him before he could hit the ground. I then carefully laid him down on the floor.

"What's wrong with him!" Leo yelled.

"What just happened!?" Raph yelled. Both at the same time.

"I-I don't know! Nothing! I hit him on the shoulder, barely, and that was it! Then he got me down and just passed out!" I responded, panicked.

I brought my fingers up to his neck and found a pulse. My heart was pretty much beating out of my chest at this point, and after a few seconds of finding nothing, it only went faster. I moved my fingers around a little bit until I found a beat.

Oh, thank god! But it's low. Too low for my liking...

"I need to bring him to my lab, his heart rate is well beyond lower than normal and I'm afraid it might only get worse!" I said loudly, as calmly as possible under a situation like this. Which wasn't very calm, as my flight or fight response was kicking in and adrenaline was shooting through me. I picked Mikey up as carefully, but quickly as possible and ran out of the dojo, through the living room, and into my lab. I could hear Raph and Leo right behind me.

I placed Mikey on the metal examination table and as fast as I could I ran to the cabinet under my desk and opened it, going through and reading all the drugs and medications before finally finding the one I needed. I grabbed the bottle and a new syringe, and placed them on the desk. I opened the syringe, poked the tip of it into the little hole in the bottle and flipped it upright, before filling up the syringe to the appropriate amount. Once it was done, I placed the bottle down and let the air out of the syringe until a little bit of the liquid came flying out.

I ran back over towards Mikey and grabbed his right arm, and carefully but quickly, I found a vein and slid the needle of the syringe into him. Then I slowly injected him with the liquid.

"What are you injecting him with?" Leo asked quietly.

"Atropine. It's supposed to speed up his heart rate back to normal." I said matter of factly. After the syringe was empty, I threw it in the little trash can under the table. I then placed my hands back on Mikey's neck and kept track of his heart rate. After two minutes went by, his heart rate started going back to normal. I breathed out a huge sigh of relief and stood up, whipping off the sweat from my forehead.

"Is he going to be okay? Why did he pass out?" Leo asked with a shake apparent in his voice.

"I don't know. He's stable for now, but I'm going to have to take a few tests and blood samples...he should wake up within the hour though."

"Well get started on that then," Raph said as he walked over to the side of the room grabbing two of the extra chairs and bringing them over, pushing a slightly resistant Leo into one out of them and sitting in the other one himself. I went back over to my desk and into the drawer full of supplies. I picked out another syringe and went back over to Mikey. I placed the syringe down beside him on the table and worked on getting his gear off, dropping it on the ground next to the table. I then took his mask off and gasped out loudly.

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