⏳The Great Escape⏳

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    They got in 2 separate pirogues. Wooyoung, Yeosang, and Jongho were in one and Hongjoong, Seonghwa, and Yunho were in the other. Mingi lowered them down and waved bye to Yunho, hoping they'd come back in one piece.
When they got to the island, they discreetly hid the boats behind some bushes. Woo was too excited to get San back. He pulled Yeosang along with him to the cave entrance, Jongho following close behind them. "Calm down Woo. We don't know what or who is in the cave right now" Yeosang said, trying to slow Woo down. "I don't care who's in the cave. I just want my Sannie back" Woo said, looking back at Yeo. "Woo..We understand that...but we can't just put the rest of us in danger" Jongho said, catching up to them.
    Seonghwa nodded at Yunho and Hongjoong and headed off in search of the pirate. They followed him but not too close behind. Hongjoong was anxious, not fully on board with Hwa going alone. Yunho rubbed Hong's back, trying his best to calm his nerves. "He's got this, Captain" "I sure hope so.." Hongjoong muttered.
    [San's Perspective]
San coughed as Davi hit him repeatedly in the abdomen, knocking the breath out of him. "God i'm tired of you. When are those fucker finally gonna show up to come get your ass" Davi said, rolling her eyes. "They aren't fucking coming" San said to her after he'd caught his breath a little. Davi grabbed his hair, making him look at her. "They fucking better or you're gonna wind up dead" She yelled at him before pushing his head away. "Boys, i'm going out on the beach. Watch him" Davi said before leaving the cave. "Are they really coming?" Saem asked, resting against some rocks on the edge of the pool of water. "I hope not.." San said with a sigh. "So you'd rather just die?" Kwang-Sun said, crossing his arm. Saem hit him. "Don't say that. He won't die" He said quickly. "The boss hasn't fed him in days. He's bound to die at some point" Kwang replied quickly. Saem bit his lip, looking a little down before swimming out of the cave. "Ugh..I think I upset him.." Kwang-Sun muttered, rubbing his face. "And you aren't gonna go after him?" San said, looking a little surprised. "He'll be fine" "Kid, you aren't gonna have him forever. Eventually he's gonna leave because you aren't treating him right" "You're just trying to get me to leave you alone" "No, i'm serious. Unless you want your friendship with him to end up in shambles, i'd suggest you go talk to him" "Fine" Kwang said angrily before swimming off after Saem.
    [Wooyoung, Yeosang, and Jongho's perspective]
    As they got closer to the cave, Jongho could hear voices. Soon it went quiet and they figured it'd be a good time to go in. They quietly came into the cave, walking a little bit before they spotted San chained to a wall. Tears immediately started to come out of Woo's eyes as he quickly ran over to San, hugging and kissing him. San was relieved when he saw them. He gently touched Woo's face before speaking "Why are you here..where's Hwa" "We came to get you" Woo said, wiping his face. "Where's Hwa, Wooyoung" "H..He went after the pirate.." "Shit..No, he's in danger. Who the fuck let him do that" "I..it's ok, Yunho and Hongjoong are following him" As they were speaking, Yeosang and Jongho were busy trying to figure out how to get the chain's off. "Wooyoung, back up" Jongho said as he pulled out his pistol and pointing it at San's wrist. Wooyoung moved, a little fear on his face "Don't shoot him Jongho!" "I'm not shooting him, just hold on" He said, shooting the cuff off of one of San's wrists. "We've got to make this quick. They probably heard that" Jongho said, reloading the gun and shooting the other cuff off. San rubbed his wrists before Wooyoung came over and hugged him again, kissing his face. San hugged Wooyoung back. "We've gotta get out of here.." San muttered, moving Woo towards the exit. "San you're in no condition to be running around. You're practically starved" Jongho said, him and Yeosang following behind them. "You two should probably head back to the pirogue" Yeosang cut in. "No, we need to go help Hwa" "Me and Yeosang will handle that. Go back to the boat" Jongho said sternly, taking Yeosang with him to find the rest of the crew as Wooyoung and San went to wait in the pirogue.
[Seonghwa's Perspective]
Hwa decided to go around the back of the cave. When he got to the other side, he spotted a woman leaving the cave. She was younger than him and definitely wasn't Korean. She carried herself as if she knew everything. His blood boiled as he looked at her. He grit his teeth, gripping onto the base of his sword as he crept through the bushes. She was looking out at the water when she noticed the second pirate ship. She scoffed, realizing they'd came. While she was busy looking at the ship, Hwa took this as his chance to creep closer to her, trying his best to keep his footsteps quiet on the sand. He thought he was doing pretty good until he heard her speak. "Trying to sneak up on me are we?" She said, turning her head a little towards him as she pulled her sword out. Hwa stood up fully, huffing a little. "Who the fuck do you think you are" He said, getting angrier by the second. "I know..That i'm the soon to be queen" She said with a smirk "Ugh..I'm tired of all these women and wanting to be queen" Hwa said, stepping closer. "Oh? But you're going to make that all possible. You see. I know your little secret. The boys might be dumb enough not to notice...but I see your necklace" "You aren't getting shit from me" Hwa said before attacking her with his sword. He hated her and how casually she talked to him. She fought back, smiling the whole time. She was so sure of herself. 'Foolish. She's foolish' Hwa thought to himself. She eventually cornered him close to the water and he lost his balance, falling in. He turned siren again, looking up at her angrily as he tried to pull himself away from the water and onto the sand. She put her sword up to his chin. "God, you're pathetic" She said before she noticed the "useless" on his arm. "Oh yes. That's better. Useless. You're useless" She said cockily. Hwa closed his eyes, prepared for what was about to happen. "This is going to be fun" She said. She was about to speak again before she choked up. Hwa opened his eyes to see Hongjoong standing behind her with a knife to her throat, holding her in place. "You speak to my wife like that one more time...and i'll have your fucking head.." He muttered into her ear. Hwa sighed, a little relieved that this wouldn't be the end of his days. Hongjoong moved her away from Hwa as Yunho quickly came over and helped Hwa out of the water and picking him up so they could leave. Soon enough, Jongho and Yeosang showed up. "Ah, you've handled it I see" Jongho said. "And i'm assuming you got San" Yunho said, getting a nod back from Jongho. "You two come tie this bitch up. I'm tired of being close to her" Hongjoong said, throwing her to the ground. Jongho grabbed her arms and put them behind her back and Yeosang went and found some rope that was in a little hut she'd made on the beach. They tide her arms and started leading her to the pirogues. Yunho and Hongjoong were about to take Hwa back before Hwa stopped them. "Hold on. I have something to do. Uhm..Can you put me back in the water" Yunho nodded, setting Hwa back down. Hwa made his way to more swimmable waters and searched for the boys that Davi had spoke of.
Hwa eventually found the boys in the cave. They were arguing. "It's not my fault he's gone!" Saem yelled at him. "I had to go after you! I couldn't stay here and watch him!" Kwang yelled back. They both shut up when they heard movement below them. Kwang-Sun quickly grabbed Saem and pulled him behind him. "I don't need to be protected.." Saem muttered. "Yes you do" Kwang said before Hwa came up. Kwang quickly looked him up and down, tensing up when he saw the necklace. He bowed quickly, Saem soon realizing and bowing as well. "No. No need for all that. Get up" Hwa said, laughing a little. "Uhm- Y..your majesty where have you been. The kingdom is looking for you" Saem muttered from behind Kwang. "I left. I'm living a better life now. I'm happy now" "b..but...you were kidnapped" Kwang said "I was saved. You've been brainwashed, children. They're good men, really...and we've taken care of the girl..she won't bother you anymore..but...you two need to go home. Your families must be worried sick. Go on, now" Hwa said, gesturing them to leave. Saem went down, swimming away. Hwa stopped Kwang-Sun before he could leave. "Take care of him. You shouldn't upset him so much" Kwang-Sun bit his lip and nodded before swimming after Saem.
Once they were gone, Hwa sighed. "Egh..I hate playing the wise one" He said before swimming back to the beach and letting Yunho pull him back out of the water and carry him to the boat. Hwa was quite the whole way back to the boats. 'i did horribly in that fight...i couldn't even stand my ground..' he thought to himself. "You did really good back there, Hwa. You're just at a bit of a disadvantage with the turning siren thing and all" Yunho said with a smile. "Do you really think I did good..?" Hwa said softly. "Of course, babe. You did great" Hong said, gently rubbing Hwa's head. "With a little more practice, we can get you to be master in arms in no time...and that practice..will need to be in your siren form" Yunho said. "Really? My siren form?" "Yes. You need to be able to fight even at your disadvantages" "Ah..I see" They were quiet for a bit before Hong spoke up "Look..I'm all up for you fighting and all...but please don't go alone next time...I could've lost you. Just...at least take someone with you...me and the rest of the crew always take at least 1 more person. It's better that way. Just in case someone gets hurt" "Mm..I understand.." Hwa mumbled.

[Hi, we won't be posting next week due to me going on vacation. I'm sorry for the people who are ready for the new chapters but I need a little rest too. I hope you enjoyed this chapter -Love, Muchii❤️🦈]

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