Chapter Two

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                                                         I've been looking for you since you left

                                                                                 Night and day

                                                                                - Criminal love 

The most important nobles had rooms in the palace, mainly so they could be close to court. They had estates in their lands, but travel wore them out, so they preferred to stay closer to the royal family.

The prince would stalk through the halls normally, glaring at any of those nobles that looked his way.

He would hear them whisper, whisper about the terrible things he's done.

("Did you hear? The younger prince allowed a serving maid into his room and she was found slaughtered the next week," a young lady said in what she thought was a discreet manner.

"He's a monster," agreed the ladies of the court.")

The rumors were more often false than not. These fools wouldn't even recognize the truth, even if it was laid like a buffet in front of their hungry mouths.

No, he didn't kill for pleasure. He never killed for pleasure.

Blood disgusted him. It was imperfect, a symbol of human weakness. He couldn't afford to be weak.

(Yet there were moments where pleasure took a hold of him. He needed blood, to drink it up like it was wine.

He grew drunk on blood, craving more and more, until he had to shut himself down.

But never did he kill the innocent. He was only permitted the ones tossed away by society. Animals.)

Fate knew all about the prince's desires and hatred. He hated blood, but desired it over anything. Perhaps, that's why Fate guided the prince towards the girl he saw at the ball.

Her blood reeked of innocence, purity, and something a little more.

Love. Unconditional love.

Like a horse on a lead, Fate gently steered the monstrous prince to the girl.

They met in the garden, an orchestrated moment – not that they could tell.

The girl – daughter of the most powerful Duke of the nation – heard stories about the younger prince since she entered her teenage years. He was barely a year older but had crimes that blackened his name.

Her father told her to be wary of the prince, that he would steal her soul just like the many other young girls that came across him.

But she was strangely fascinated, his dark gaze inviting. He was familiar, as if they had met before.

Fate chuckled. Of course the pair had met before. They were lovers in every lifetime, never fated to be together, but this could not stop them.

"My prince, this is a welcomed surprise," the girl bowed, a pleasant smile on her face.

"I don't believe we met properly at the ball. I didn't catch your name."

"Of course, Prince Aeson. My name is Kalliroi." The girl giggled slightly when the prince returned her smile.

"Lady Kalliroi, it is my pleasure." The prince kissed the back of her hand and noticed her eyes were as blue as the ocean. Her auburn hair fell in waves and the ripples of her dress hugged her figure.

The prince didn't let go of her hand as she led him to a bench in the middle of the garden.

"I was waiting for someone for years and she appeared in front of me like a goddess."

The girl blushed, holding his soft hand tighter.

As the two got lost in conversation, it didn't stop the others from talking.

"The poor girl," the marquess muttered. "She's going to end up dead."

"Look at his claws over the maiden," the count snarled.

"He will take her innocence," the maid exclaimed.

"Her blood will be spilled soon," the Duke whispered. "My precious daughter."

"Love shall bloom dead," Fate cackled, relishing in the foolishness of man.

A/N: thank you so much for reading!

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