Chapter Ten

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                                   Love became greed and erased itself

                                                              - Fate

She's mine. She's mine. She's only mine to love.

The prince stalked the halls.

I love her. She's mine. She is mine, mine, mine.

The prince needed her to live. The girl accepted him and welcomed him into her life. Now he craved that attention.

Her blood was his reason to live.

It drew him in close and he relished in it whenever she was close. It was his and he would keep her close forever.

It sustained him.

She sat with him and the prince could not stop caressing the girl's neck. Her untainted soul was bright and let him shine too.

She was pure and the prince needed her to live.

"My Lady," the prince murmured. "You need to stay close to me."

"My Prince?" the girl asked, "where is this coming from? I spend nearly all my time with you anyways."

The prince pulled her closer. He took a deep breath. She was his.

"No, you're mine. Only mine." The prince couldn't risk letting the girl become tainted. Not like him.

She needed to stay pure. It was his only salvation. As long as she was there, he would not be a monster.

"My Prince, could you move your hand?" the girl asked in a shaky voice.

The prince kept caressing her neck. "Why? I like doing this."

"But it feels wrong. Please don't."

"No." The prince didn't understand. He needed her right now and she was denying even that to him. "I will continue to do as I please."

The girl took his hand and forcibly moved it. "No, my Prince, you have to listen to me."

"Stop this nonsense. Don't deny what is rightfully mine."

The girl stood up. "My Prince, I am worried. You always insist that I am with you and you never let me out of your sight these days."

The prince stood up, his temper flaring. "Sit back down! You know I need it."

"Need what, my Prince? You tell me that everyday but what exactly are you looking for?"

Something twisted inside the prince. She had never been this confrontational before. He couldn't bring himself to say it out loud.

She shouldn't have been asking these things. Not when she saw him vulnerable and knew about his true nature.

"Answer me! Do you love me or are you looking for something else in me?"

"What are you implying?" The prince asked, staggering. Her blood was pumping and it was driving him crazy. He felt like he was in a predatorial haze, about to lunge.

"Am I nothing but your salvation?" the girl asked, moving towards the door. "I know how my blood must smell to you. You touch me, as if you want to mark me and take my life."

The prince lost it, stalking towards the girl. "So what if I do," he growled. "You're mine, mine to love. Your entire being is controlled by me."

"Stay away, my Prince. You're scaring me."

"You're scared of me? Were you scared when you first saw how I truly was? Or were you scared when you heard about those rumors?"

The girl shook her head, grabbing the door handle. "I'm scared now because I didn't realize what a monster you were. I thought you were human, but now after attacking me, I don't know what to think.

"I want to love you, but you don't love me. You only want what is flowing through my veins."

"You're right, my Lady, but I know what you think. I am a monster."

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