Chapter Six

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                                         You're the only savior to me full of scars

                                You're the only one who taught me how to see me

                                         I can only be me when I'm by your side

                                                            I'm not a monster

                                                               - Still Monster

He collapsed in her arms. She stroked his head lovingly.

"My love," she whispered and he held onto her tighter.

"I can't control myself," he confessed. "I need blood to sustain myself. I've attacked the innocent before."

She didn't say anything. He was grateful for her silence because he could not take more judgment.

"I have to embrace the rumors, the belief I am nothing. I will never be completely human."

"Will you ever attack me?" she asked quietly.

The prince vigorously shook his head. "I can never hurt you, my love. I may be scarred and monstrous, but I am me with you. I am able to love you, more than I love myself."

"The capability to love proves you are not a monster. You are human, for love is purely human."

The prince stopped. "But that's only when you exist."

"And I will exist with you until I die. I dedicate myself to you wholy and purely. I am yours until the end of time. Fate will ensure it happens."

Embraced in a loving hold, the prince closed his eyes. He was relaxed for the first time in his life, secure by loyalty and love.

Even the scent of her blood – untainted – did not bother him much. He vowed to himself to protect her, even if it meant burning the world down. She was his as much as he was hers.

Together, he would be human. She could quell the monster inside of him.

It was a glimpse of the future. A future where he was loved, not only by her, but the rest of the world.

Maybe one day, the innocent will be safe and he will be at peace

Fate smiled gently upon the scene. This was always his favorite part.

The pure, solemn love they held for each other before the end. Mortals were always foolish in Fate's experience.

Love needed purity, but the prince was not at all pure. His hands held the blood of all creatures, his soul was cursed since the beginning of time. He was born out of hatred and violence.

The girl was selfish. She could not give the prince what he needed. Maybe she claimed to love him, believing that she was the one for him.

But did she truly love him?

Fate observed the pair break their embrace and bid each other goodnight. They would find each other again with the dawn of a new day.

That got Fate thinking.

Destiny always believed the two souls were molded together, made only for each other. Destiny wanted them to live until the end of time, the ideal of true love.

But Fate knew humans were corrupt. Tainted.

There would always be an end to humanity, unless the mortal believed that they could never truly achieve immortality.

Immorality was ugly, rough, unrefined. Anything everlasting was ugly, rough, and unrefined.

Beautiful was the impermanence of life.

Immortality was the source of arrogance in humans. The impermanence of life reminded humans that they need to hold things close to them and find beauty in the moment.

Fate could not allow humans to ever become immortal.

Perhaps that was the downfall of the pair each time. They wanted to love forever, without an end.

They took each other for granted. There were no feelings behind what they said, what they suffered, and what they experienced.

Nothing but selfishness prevailed and Fate had to teach them a lesson.

Humanity was powerless. Nothing could change the course of their existence. 

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