Chapter Nine

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                           I dedicate to you the brave heart that'll protect you

                             My foolish arrogance, I tossed away in the past

                                                                - Bite me

"I will protect her and we shall be together for the rest of time."

"We are meant to be immortal."

"I give my heart to you."

"My courage is you and we shall rule time together, my darling."

"Together, we are stronger than the fate of our lives."

Many lives. The same arrogance each time. The same doomed love.

Fate scoffed at the pair. The monstrous prince and pure girl was not something Fate had expected.

But it was like this every time.

They would be born and Fate would find them. Fate would find them and Fate would watch them fall in love each time.

Each time, Fate considered letting the pair stay in love. He was considerate like that.

However, the arrogance that they were stronger than Fate irked him. Nothing was stronger than Fate, not even their destiny together.

Whenever Fate discovered them, he knew that they would fall apart as soon as they met. Love may be pure but it cannot always overcome hurdles.

Humans were greedy by nature and they were selfish, seeking their own pleasure above all else. Fate saw this happen in the pair each time.

This is why they could never be together.

This was why there was always an end.

It's a noble act, really, that the prince wants to protect her. But who does he really want to protect her for?

Fate supposed that the prince loved the affection he received and the girl. But Fate could not figure out if it was the girl or his desire for love controlling his actions.

It didn't matter in the end.

Humans believed themselves to be god. The pair always believed themselves to be gods who could conquer Fate.

No, Fate always had the last say.

This was why they were doomed from the start.

Even though their love was pure, they could not continue like this.

In the past, they were broken up in many ways. Fate chose the way they ended each time.

It was like a game, wasn't it?

There was infidelity, power struggles, betrayal, and more. Each ended the love and Fate watched them be reincarnated again and again.

Perhaps in the next life, the pair would've learned their lesson.

One day, they too would learn their place in the universe. They would stay with each other for as long as their love lasts.

Fate promised them this at least. Once they conquered their arrogant belief, Fate would allow the lovers to be together.

But right now, they could not tempt Fate and get away with it.

Not again. Not after the eons they have lived, fallen in love, and ended.

Fate mused how he would end the lovers this time. A game, nothing more. A mere interest.

Perhaps their destruction could be their own.

The sweet, sweet scent of blood.




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