Chapter Eleven

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                                  A love wrapped in blood

                            Erased by arrogance, it's over

                                       I lost everything

                           Become an undead monster

                                                    - Fate

The prince watched her as she stood by the door, threatening to leave. He couldn't let his love leave, not now when he needed it the most.

"Stay here," the prince said, grabbing her wrist. "I need you."

"You don't need me," the girl cried out, twisting her hands in his grip. "You don't even want me. You just want my blood."

"No, you sustain me. You're everything I am not." The prince leaned in and relished her smell. It was all his.

"No, let go of me. I cannot love you like this."

The prince tightened his grip.

He couldn't lose her now. Not when he finally felt human – felt love for something.

It was so very defining of him. Fate denied his humanity for so long, but now it was right in front of him.

He had to keep it. Keep it close.

He couldn't tolerate the rumors anymore, the nights he spent alone surrounded by the reminders of his monstrous nature.

He didn't want to live like this anymore.

The answer to his problems was in front of him. The pure, sweet girl that didn't turn away from him.

The prince reasoned that she alone could save him. One taste of her blood and he would be cured. He would never seek to kill another.

Just her sweet blood would guarantee his humanity.

The girl could sense his realization because she began to struggle harder.

"No, don't do this, Prince Aeson," she cried out, tears streaming down her cheeks. "Let me go."

The prince could not do that. "No, Lady Kalliroi. I will love you until the end of time. You must understand this is what I need. What I want."

"No," she begged. "Think about me. I don't want this. Don't hurt me."

"Silence! I'm doing this for us," the prince exclaimed, shaking the girl.

The prince threw her on the ground. He stood over her like a predator going in for the final kill.

"You will thank me for this. Finally, I can get rid of my monstrous ways."

The girl sobbed, shaking her head. "Please! Let me go, Prince Aeson."

The candles went out and the prince lunged at her, his teeth bared.

Flesh hit his teeth and he could finally taste the sweetness.

It gave him life as the girl shrieked and tried pulling away. He held her in place and slowly her shrieks died away.

It was calm.

The prince closed his eyes, relishing in the silence and the satisfaction.

His love was his forever.

Then he opened his eyes.

He felt sick. Something inside of him hurt and he felt twisted.

No, it wasn't supposed to be like this. Her blood could only help him. Why was he feeling like this?


The prince dropped to his knees, his hands grabbing for the girl's still body.

She was soaked in a thick liquid that stained his hands.

Gone. Everything was gone.

And he reigned in the night, surrounded by death. 

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