Chapter Four

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                                                        I dedicate to you my life

                                                       You can devour me whole

                                                         - Sacrifice (Eat Me Up)

It was dusk.

The sky was dark and the garden path was lit up with small, flickering lights. Nobles walked, the sound of a crowd mingling filled the air, and the sullen prince stood quietly in a dark corner.

Just observing.

They all stayed away from him. And he was glad they did.

The smell of blood grew stronger and called to him. He wanted to rip apart flesh, sink his teeth into something alive.

He couldn't even bring himself to move from that corner. Maybe he relished the smell of blood and how it called to his inner monster. Maybe he was like a beast, surrounded by his favorite prey and couldn't bear to leave. Nothing but gluttony.

Maybe he was afraid that if he got too close, he wouldn't be able to control himself.

He could feel the eyes on him but he stood menacing. If he was a monster in their eyes, he would be a monster.

It didn't matter what she said to him. She didn't know how he felt around the others.

"My Prince," she said, practically appearing at the mere thought of her.

The prince smiled, hearing a gasp from a nearby noble. Not that it mattered. Once she appeared, it felt as if a weight was lifted off his shoulder.

"When I'm with you, it feels as if all my ills leave me," the prince said, taking in the sweet smell of her blood.

"I am a remedy to your sickness," the girl joked. "Walk with me, my Prince."

The prince came out into the light. Around her, he felt safe and knew the nobles around him would also be safe.

"My father is not pleased by the excessive time I spend with you," the girl said calmly. "He believes I need to settle down as I have made my debut into high society."

They were in a more secluded area now and the prince took a good look at her. Her eyes were familiar and the way her lips pulled into a smile drew him in.

He felt human with her.

"I can be your remedy for that," the prince breathed, not sure what he was saying.

The girl's glossy lips parted in surprise. The prince leaned down to kiss them and she responded feverishly.

"I want to give you everything," the prince whispered, pulling away. "I will be by your side for the rest of time if our fate allows me to do so for nothing in the universe rules over me as you do."

Fate listened in anticipation. For many lives, over and over again, he brought them together just to see if they would love each other. Maybe it was a game to him, or just sick fascination, that they believe they could outlast time.

"May our love be immortal," the girl sighed against his lips. "May we love until the end of time."

"Stay with me now and forever."

The girl pulled away. "We will have forever, my Prince. For now, let me tell my father that your love is given and I am taken."

She left, the light leaving his life, and he withdrew to the shadows again.

Fate really did pity the prince. He was the child of shadows and all things dark. He brought anger and hatred anywhere he went, sought blood, and wept for his innocence.

But the girl brought something new to him.

Joy. Pure joy, innocence, and all things good in the world.

But Fate could only watch the hurting prince, overcome by his desire, walk away from the garden, a dark sigil hanging around his neck.

Deep within his own room, he blew the candles out one by one, Fate lending a hand.

His eyes were glowing red. His teeth were bared.


He wanted blood. 

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