She plays bass, I play guitar

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Title: Harmony in the Quiet

The city lights had blurred into a kaleidoscope of colors as Hanni and Minji made their way home from the Lollapalooza festival. The energy of the crowd and the pulsating beats still echoed in their minds, but exhaustion weighed on their shoulders. As they entered their cozy apartment, the faint aroma of familiarity embraced them.

Hanni kicked off their sneakers while Minji let out a sigh, finally escaping the buzz of the outside world. The dim glow of string lights illuminated their living room, casting a warm ambiance. The fatigue of performing and entertaining thousands began to lift as they sank into the plush couch.

"Can you believe the energy out there?" Hanni exclaimed, a grin forming as they recalled the roaring crowd.

Minji chuckled, her eyes reflecting the weariness they both felt. "Incredible, but I'm ready to trade the stage lights for our own cozy haven."

Their fingers intertwined as they settled into a comfortable silence. The only sounds were the distant city murmurs and the soft hum of their shared existence. Hanni reached for a nearby guitar, strumming a gentle melody that filled the room with tranquility.

"Feels good to be back," Minji murmured, leaning against Hanni's shoulder.

Hanni nodded, their fingers continuing to dance over the strings. The music seemed to resonate with the tired yet content smiles on their faces. The weight of their fame and the expectations of the crowd melted away in the intimacy of their home.

With a glance, Hanni caught Minji's eye, and they shared a knowing look—a silent acknowledgment of the shared journey they had embarked on together. In that moment, their connection transcended the stage, the fame, and the flashing lights.

As the last notes of the guitar faded, Hanni set it aside, and they nestled into each other on the couch. The weariness transformed into a different kind of warmth, one that could only be found in the quiet moments between two souls who understood each other without words.

In the soft glow of their shared space, Hanni and Minji found solace. Lollapalooza might have been a whirlwind, but here, in the hush of their home, they discovered a different kind of harmony—a melody of peace and love that resonated far beyond the applause of the crowd.

The soft glow of the bedside lamp painted a warm ambiance in the bedroom as Hanni and Minji settled into bed. The exhaustion from the festival had transitioned into a comforting weariness, and the rhythmic hum of the city outside provided a gentle lullaby.

Hanni turned to Minji, their eyes meeting in the quiet intimacy of the moment. "What's that look?" Hanni asked, a playful grin playing on their lips.

Minji shrugged, attempting nonchalance. "Oh, it's nothing," she replied, her gaze momentarily flickering away.

Hanni chuckled, a knowing glint in their eyes. "Come on, I know that look," they insisted, gently teasing.

Minji bashfully smiled, a hint of hesitation in her expression. "It's really nothing, just thinking about the day."

Hanni raised an eyebrow, a playful smirk forming. "Oh, just thinking about the day?" they teased, inching closer.

Minji giggled, her eyes giving away a hint of mischief. "Okay, maybe there's something else," she admitted, her cheeks tinted with a subtle blush.

Hanni grinned, wrapping an arm around Minji. "Spill the secret," they encouraged, their tone filled with affection.

Minji hesitated for a moment, then sighed. "Alright, I was thinking about how lucky we are to have moments like this. The energy of the stage is incredible, but it's these quiet moments with you that make everything feel complete."

Hanni's expression softened, genuine warmth in their eyes. "That's sweet, Minji," they whispered, leaning in for a tender kiss.

As they pulled away, Minji couldn't help but smile. However, her face dropped when she realized Hanni's curiosity wasn't satisfied. "But there's something else, isn't there?" Hanni prodded gently.

Minji sighed, knowing Hanni wouldn't let it go. "Well, I was also thinking about how much I love you and how lucky I am to share every moment with you," she confessed, her voice a mixture of bashfulness and sincerity.

Hanni's eyes softened, and they pulled Minji into a warm embrace. "I love you too, Minji," they whispered, the room filled with the quiet echoes of their shared sentiments.

In the hushed serenity of their bedroom, Hanni and Minji embraced the profound connection that extended far beyond the stage, finding solace in the whispers of love and the shared heartbeat of their journey together.

Bonus!: Bunnies Interview 🐰

In the heart of a bustling studio, the energy was electric as Hanni and Minji from the sensational duo NewJeans prepared for an interview. The room buzzed with anticipation as the stage was set.

Hanni, with a mischievous twinkle in their eyes, took the lead. "Hi, my name is Hanni, and I play the bass." They leaned back, giving the camera their most enigmatic look, and the crowd erupted in applause.

Minji, standing beside Hanni with a cheerful demeanor, joined in the applause with a playful grin. "Hello, my name is Minji, and I slay the guitar!"

As the interview progressed, the questions delved into the origins of their musical journey.

"Where did you two first meet?" Hanni, casting a glance at Minji, shared a smile. "Well, it was at a crowded music festival. Minji here was shredding on stage, and I was instantly hooked. I knew we had to create some musical magic together."

Minji laughed, recalling the memory. "Yeah, I caught Hanni lingering in the audience. I guess my guitar skills were too hard to resist."

The conversation shifted to a lighter note, asking about the funniest memory they shared as a duo.

"Oh, there's this one time Minji accidentally tripped on stage," Hanni smirked, remembering the moment, "and I had to pretend it was part of our dance routine. The crowd loved it, though!"

Minji blushed slightly but chuckled along. "I still blame those untied shoelaces. But hey, it brought some unexpected joy to the performance."

Then, the interview took a heartfelt turn as the secret to their harmonious partnership was explored.

"It's simple—love and respect," Hanni, smiling at Minji, spoke sincerely. "We're not just bandmates; we're soulmates. Our connection goes beyond the music, and that's what makes it magical."

Minji, leaning into Hanni, echoed the sentiment. "Absolutely. We support each other on and off stage, and it's that genuine connection that fuels our creativity and passion."

As the interview continued, Hanni and Minji effortlessly intertwined their responses, radiating love and camaraderie. Their story unfolded not just through their music but through the genuine bond that had become the heart of NewJeans.

Note 💌: Here's to the first one shot based from the discord channel 🥳

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