Annoying Assassin: part 1

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How would you describe an assassin?

For me, I'd say flamboyant, attention seeking, childish and reckless.

Unusual way to define an assassin. I'm aware.
Yet, that's my assassin, no matter what I do, and how I do it. I cannot get rid of her.

Their love story unfolded against a backdrop of secrecy and danger, testing the limits of their trust and resilience. The girl eagerly awaited the day when the assassin would return from Italy, hoping that they could finally be together without the shadows of secrets and missions looming over them. Until then, they cherished the moments they shared, knowing that their love was strong enough to withstand the trials they faced.


Chapter 1: Cool, I Gotta Go

The night was alive with a sense of unease as I stumbled upon a chilling sight. There she stood, a woman with a mischievous grin, her eyes fixated on the lifeless body before her. It was a peculiar encounter, not in some shadowy alley as one might expect, but right out in the open, under the watchful gaze of the moon.

I froze, my breath caught in my throat, and my heart pounded in my chest like a relentless drumbeat. It was as if time had suspended itself, granting me a front-row seat to a macabre spectacle. But instead of fleeing, the woman allowed me to run, her laughter echoing in the stillness of the night.

Confusion swept over me like a tempest, but one thing was clear—I couldn't escape her clutches. No matter how fast or far I ran, she remained a constant presence, an enigma that lingered in the depths of my mind.

Was it possession or obsession? I questioned my own sanity, grappling with the reality that this flamboyant, attention-seeking, and seemingly childish assassin had become an integral part of my existence. She wasn't just a figment of my imagination; she was real, a force that I couldn't shake off.

Days turned into weeks, and weeks into months, yet she never let me leave. She taunted me with her playful antics, her reckless disregard for the rules of life and death. It was infuriating, maddening even, to be held captive by her unpredictable nature. But there was a strange allure to her presence, a twisted fascination that kept me tethered to her world.

As I delved deeper into her peculiar realm, I began to realize that she was no ordinary assassin. Behind her flamboyant exterior lay a complex web of motives and secrets. There was a method to her madness, a hidden purpose that eluded my understanding. And as much as I wanted to distance myself from her, a part of me craved the answers she held within her mysterious smile.

So, with a mixture of trepidation and curiosity, I embarked on a journey to unravel the truth behind this annoying assassin who had woven herself into the fabric of my life. Little did I know the perils and revelations that awaited me, the dangerous dance I would soon be entangled in.

Note: This chapter introduces the protagonist's encounter with the mysterious assassin and their subsequent inability to escape her presence.

Chapter teases- summary

As the days passed, the girl began to notice the female assassin appearing in her peripheral vision. At first, it startled her, but over time, a strange acceptance settled in. She found herself not minding the assassin's presence, almost welcoming it.

Curiosity consumed the girl as she pondered the assassin's motives. Was she there to harm her or protect her? The girl couldn't deny the subtle thrill of danger that coursed through her veins whenever the assassin appeared. It was as if a forbidden connection had formed between them, an unspoken understanding that defied logic.

She started to engage in a silent game with the assassin, exchanging glances and nods as they crossed paths. It became a dance of intrigue, a hidden connection that only they shared. The girl found herself seeking out the assassin, intentionally placing herself in situations where their paths would intersect.

As the girl spent more time in the assassin's presence, she discovered a certain beauty in her stoic demeanor and lethal grace. The assassin became an enigma, a symbol of power and mystery that fascinated the girl. She couldn't help but be drawn to the dangerous allure that surrounded her.

While the girl was aware of the risks involved, she couldn't deny the excitement that came with being near the assassin. There was an unspoken agreement between them that no harm would come to her, a silent pact that gave her a sense of security.

Her perception of the assassin began to shift, viewing her as a protector rather than a threat. The girl started to confide in the assassin's presence, sharing her innermost thoughts and fears. In return, the assassin provided an unyielding, silent support that she couldn't find elsewhere.

Although others might see the girl's connection to the assassin as dangerous or irrational, she found solace and strength in their silent companionship. The girl embraced the unconventional bond that had formed, knowing that the assassin's presence held a deeper meaning in her life.

The girl's heart raced as she found herself in the midst of danger, surrounded by the menacing figures of a men at the bar. Fear gripped her, and just as she thought her fate was sealed, the strong and alluring assassin appeared like a guardian angel.

With her Italian and Spanish accent that added an exotic allure to her already striking presence, the assassin fought off the attackers with a fierce determination. Her sinewy yet graceful features only added to her commanding aura, making her both intimidating and undeniably attractive. The girl felt a mix of gratitude and fascination for this enigmatic savior.

But as the adrenaline subsided and reality sank in, doubts and questions clouded the her mind. She couldn't ignore the fact that the assassin was involved in criminal activities and had been covertly watching her. The initial sense of safety and gratitude now mingled with a sense of unease and apprehension.

The girl wondered about the true intentions of her savior. Was she genuinely protecting her, or was there an ulterior motive behind her actions? The thought of being a pawn in a dangerous game made her stomach churn. She realized that this situation was unlikely to end well for her, Caught between her gratitude for being rescued and her growing suspicion, the girl felt torn. She knew she needed to be cautious and consider her options. Trust had become a precious commodity, and she couldn't afford to overlook the potential risks involved in the assassin's presence.

As the girl contemplated her next move, she resolved to confront the assassin about her past actions and demand answers. She needed to ascertain the true nature of their connection and whether she was merely a pawn or an equal partner in their strange dance.

The path ahead was uncertain, and the girl understood that the choices she made would have significant consequences. She hoped that she could navigate this treacherous territory and find a way to protect herself while also unearthing the truth about the mysterious assassin who had entered her life.

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