Part 2: True Colours

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Note 💌: MiUNo1fan sorry for the delay, here is part 2🙌🏾

Hanni: Hey, about last night...

Danielle: Hey! Yeah, sorry about the guys being jerks. They can be such idiots sometimes.

Hanni: It's okay. Thanks for standing up for me though. It meant a lot.

Danielle: Of course! No one deserves to be treated like that. You're cool in my book, Hanni.

Hanni: 😊 Thanks, Danielle. You're pretty cool too.

Danielle: Aw, thanks! So, wanna hang out after school? Maybe grab some coffee?

Hanni: Sure! I'd love to. Thanks for inviting me.

Danielle: No problem! Looking forward to it. See you then!

Hanni: See you! 😊

Hanni's hands trembled slightly as Haerin peered over her shoulder, offering occasional suggestions on how to craft her response. "Well, well, well, looks like the nerd got a coffee date with the queen bee herself," she remarked smugly, a hint of amusement dancing in her eyes.

"Ha, very funny," Hanni responded, her tone dead serious. "But seriously, what do I wear?" The weight of her question hung in the air, a tangible reflection of her nerves and uncertainty.

Hanni: Hey, just got to the coffee shop. Where are you?

Danielle: Hey! Running a bit late, but I'll be there soon. Save me a seat?

Hanni: No problem! I'll find us a cozy spot. Take your time.

As Hanni settled into a corner booth at the quaint coffee shop, she couldn't help but fidget with her phone, checking the time every few minutes. The anticipation of seeing Danielle again filled her with a mix of excitement and nervousness.

Hanni sat in the cozy corner booth of the coffee shop, her mind swirling with a whirlwind of thoughts. Why on earth would someone like Danielle want to meet her for "coffee"? The mere idea seemed surreal, almost too good to be true. She toyed with the idea of picking up her phone and sending a message to Danielle, seeking clarification or perhaps even reassurance.

Just as she reached for her phone, a familiar ping echoed through the bustling cafe, breaking the silence with a suddenness that startled Hanni. With a mix of trepidation and curiosity, she unlocked her phone to find a new message waiting for her—a photo attachment from Danielle.

Her heart skipped a beat as she tapped on the notification, the image slowly coming into focus on her screen. It was a candid snapshot of Danielle, her radiant smile lighting up the frame as she posed in front of a colorful mural on the side of the coffee shop. The vibrant hues of the artwork seemed to mirror Danielle's infectious energy, casting a warm glow over the scene.

Hanni couldn't help but smile as she studied the photo, her earlier doubts and insecurities melting away in the face of Danielle's genuine warmth. In that moment, she realized that perhaps, just perhaps, this coffee date held the promise of something truly special—an unexpected connection that had the potential to change everything.

Hanni's fingers hovered over the keyboard of her phone, a myriad of emotions swirling within her. With a sense of determination, she typed out her reply, her words carrying the weight of newfound optimism and anticipation.

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