Quinn's POV: Day Two : My Man Loves Glee, Over Me?

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As I navigated the bustling hallways of McKinley High, my sharp gaze fell upon him, my boyfriend, Finn Hudson. He was deep in conversation, engaged with none other than Rachel Berry. A surge of protective instinct washed over me, like a territorial response to a perceived threat.

"Oh no, she didn't," Santana growled lowly from behind me as she trailed along, mirroring my concern. We approached the pair, my heart pounding with a mix of anxiety and determination.

"Hi, Finn," I greeted him with a forced politeness, masking the unease I felt. "Rupaul," a jab at Rachel, who had a way of eliciting strong emotions, scoffed in response.

Finn offered a casual, "Hey," in my direction, his eyes locked onto hers. My suspicion deepened, and I turned my attention back to him, searching for an explanation.

"What are you doing talking to her?" I inquired, my tone tinged with a hint of concern. My protective instincts were on high alert.

Finn hesitated, his response hanging in the air. It was Rachel who finally broke the silence, her voice unyielding, "We're partners for a science project." Her eyes remained locked on Finn, as if challenging me.

"Christ Crusaders tonight at five, my house," I declared, changing the subject, my eyes narrowing as I addressed Finn. It was a reminder, a declaration that he was my boyfriend, and I was the one he should be spending time with. His agreement came in the form of a sly smirk, which only fueled my determination.

With a final, lingering glare at Rachel, I turned on my heel, leading Finn away from the encounter. As we walked away, I couldn't help but feel the weight of Rachel's presence in our relationship, a constant reminder of the complexities of high school romance and the challenges that awaited us as we navigated this turbulent journey together.


I stood high up in the balcony, overlooking the McKinley High auditorium where they all sang. The auditorium was alive with the sound of music, the harmonious voices of the glee club filling the air. It was supposed to be a beautiful moment, a testament to the power of music and unity. But to me, it was anything but.

The sight of Finn and Rachel down on the stage made my stomach churn. The way they gazed at each other, their eyes locked in a loving, almost mesmerizing connection, made me want to retch. It was as if the entire world had disappeared around them, leaving only the two of them in their own blissful bubble. A bubble I was not a part of.

Coach Sue and Santana flanked me, their presence a silent but supportive comfort. I glanced over at Santana, my voice trembling as I muttered in a low tone, "This has to end." It was a desperate plea, a plea to end this unbearable feeling that had consumed me. Santana, ever the loyal friend, responded with a low hum of agreement, her eyes fixed on the unfolding scene.

My eyes remained locked on the stage below, watching Rachel and Finn hold hands as they sang the iconic song, "Don't Stop Believin'." They moved in perfect harmony, their voices blending into a flawless duet. The worst part of it all was that it looked like they were having so much fun.

The audience, their fellow glee club members, and even the teachers, were caught up in the magic of the performance. They were creating something beautiful together, and I couldn't help but feel like an outsider looking in. The pain in my chest grew as I watched, and I couldn't shake the feeling that my place in this world was slipping away.

As the final notes of the song filled the auditorium, the thunderous applause and cheers washed over the stage. The smiles on Finn and Rachel's faces were radiant, their bond seemingly unbreakable. It was a moment of pure joy and unity, and I couldn't help but wonder if there was still a place for me in this world of music, friendship, and love.

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