(Bbangsaz) Unexpected Allies | Part 3

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The hours slipped away unnoticed as Hanni and Minji delved deeper into their scientific pursuits, their focus solely on the task at hand. Amidst the sea of textbooks and research papers, Minji found herself stealing glances at Hanni every now and then, unable to ignore the undeniable pull of her presence.

Hanni, with her plump lips, a cute button nose, and sharp eyes, exuded a quiet elegance that captivated Minji's attention. Despite her unassuming appearance, there was an underlying intensity to Hanni that intrigued Minji—a sense of strength and determination that belied her gentle exterior.

With her whimsy bangs framing her face and her Bonita glasses perched on her nose, Hanni had an air of authority about her that commanded respect. In that moment, Minji couldn't help but be reminded of a character from a novel—a mysterious figure with secrets hidden beneath the surface.

As Hanni met her gaze, Minji felt a surge of boldness wash over her, prompting her to speak up. "Why don't you let your hair down?" she asked, her voice soft and probing.

Hanni furrowed her brows, taken aback by the unexpected question. "Because it's a hassle," she replied curtly, her attention returning to her reading.

By now, everyone else had left, leaving only Hanni and Minji in the quiet solitude of the library. "You'd look so much prettier, happier even," Minji said softly, her words carrying a hint of sincerity.

Hanni's lips parted, caught off guard by the sincerity in Minji's tone. For a fleeting moment, she considered the possibility of letting her guard down, of allowing herself to embrace the vulnerability that lay beneath the surface. But with a steely resolve, she composed herself and shook her head. "Focus on the project," she said firmly, determined to keep her emotions in check.

Undeterred by Hanni's deflection, Minji leaned in closer, her gaze unwavering as she searched Hanni's eyes for any sign of vulnerability. She had always been drawn to the enigmatic scientist, intrigued by the layers of complexity that lay beneath her stoic facade.

"I know you're more than just your research, Hanni," Minji persisted, her voice gentle yet insistent. "There's a whole world waiting for you beyond these textbooks and equations. Why not let yourself experience it?"

Hanni's resolve wavered slightly at Minji's words, a flicker of uncertainty crossing her features before she quickly masked it with a determined expression. "I appreciate your concern, Minji," she replied, her tone measured. "But I prefer to keep my personal life separate from my work."

Minji nodded, respecting Hanni's boundaries even as she continued to push gently against them. "Fair enough," she conceded with a small smile. "Just know that I'm here whenever you're ready to let your hair down—literally and figuratively."

Hanni couldn't help but feel a pang of something unfamiliar stir within her—a mixture of longing and apprehension that left her feeling unsettled. With a subtle nod, she returned her attention to the task at hand, determined to bury the turmoil brewing beneath the surface.

Hanni blinked groggily as she awoke to unfamiliar surroundings, her mind struggling to make sense of her surroundings. Slowly, the events of the previous night began to trickle back into her consciousness, and she realized with a jolt where she was—the library.

The realization sent a surge of panic coursing through her veins. Had she really fallen asleep in the library? Hanni couldn't remember how she had ended up there, but the empty shelves and deserted aisles around her offered no answers.

Pushing herself up into a sitting position, Hanni rubbed her eyes and scanned the library, her heart pounding in her chest. There was no sign of the librarian, no sound of students bustling about, and most notably, no sign of Minji.

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