Times I Went Into a State of *gay panic*

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My straight friend: Guys... I'm gay (Clearly joking but I guess I didn't pick up on that ;-;)

Me: *gasp* Thats great, congratulations! I know it can be hard coming out and I'm so proud of you for taking that leap!

My straight friend: ....that was a joke...

Me: Oh. Don't joke about that. [insert gay panic here]

The same straight friend: Your eyes are so pretty! I could stare into them all day. (It was at a completely random time ;-;)

Me: Oh? Uhh.. thanks? I mean- your eyes are pretty too- [insert gay panic here]

Me: *subconsciously doing the hand flapping thing with one hand.* (I was nervous)

My crush, sitting next to me: (SHE REACHED OVER AND HELD MY HAND FOR LIKE 2 MINUTES EEEEEEHEHEH) ((She has a boyfriend but I dOnT cArE, she's openly bi, it could happen)) UPDATE ON HER BF: They're breaking up! Also, I know where she lives >:] (Not from my stalking, it came up in a conversation one day and she told me.)

Me: [insert gay panic here]

My crush: Thank you! *Hugs me*

Me: [insert gay panic here]

Things That I've Once Said (Among other random things about me)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ