Chapter 2 // Bus

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I gave the teacher the form with my stuff in my pack ready to go. It must of originally announced a while ago because it was already happening. We were given a bus to go to out of the three busses. We were traveling to this big outdoors place and we would be staying in a cabin 2 people in each room for a month. I got to the second to the back of the bus, the bus was quick to fill no one sat next to me my friends were placed in another bus. I sent them snaps of me recording them from the bus, with them replying with funny photos of them. After being left on delivered for a minute i put my headphones on an left my bag next to me. While choosing a song I saw someone standing infront of me. I took out my headphones "What?" I said looking at Regina "Could I sit there? there's no where else" She said said holding her bag. I moved my bag to my feet "Yeah fuck go for it" She down and I put my headphones back on. She was doing the same.

I knew the bus drive would be long and boring. "Okay, you along with 4 other buses are going to the same place, We will be having rules on the this bus. Number one, you are allowed on your phone but no facetimes or whatever it is you call it. Number two, No screaming or shouting loudly. Number three do not be stupid, i'm hoping you know what i mean the basic rules" He said before sitting down and talking to another teacher. "Wait how long will we be in this bus?" One student yelled "About 6 hours so we should be there around 11pm but were stopping for Dinner and breaks" The teacher responded back. I sighed a long trip of sitting down was not the best for me. The first few hours I sat and messaged people while listening to music about 3 hours in break had it and it was around 9 so some people didn't leave the bus. I just ate a snack from my bag and after the short break we were back on the pitch dark roads.  After a bit I felt something drop on my shoulder I gently turned around to see if Regina maybe managed to drop something.

It turns out she had fallen asleep on my shoulder. I didn't really mind because I had to deal with Steven doing this a lot when he came over, but for some reasons i felt more need to be gentle than i normally am. I slowly felt tired, I gently dropped my head on top of hers, the clear height difference. I woke up to Steven on my bus yelling "OI wake up YN!" He yelled in my face I woke up quickly and Regina woke up as well "Oopies didn't mean to wake your girlfriend up" He chuckled "Sorry Regina i mean't to just wake him up" He said. Putting his hand up to highfive her. She highfived him and the teacher yelled at us to get off the bus. "Alright we have everyone here! I'm going to be calling out your first and second name and what room number you are. Keep in mind you will be staying with someone else so don't make their month bad!" He started naming people, i was really waiting for me and Steven or Mac or even Alex to have a room together. I was in room 42 i walked away like everyone else to find my room it was on the top floor it was the only room on the top floor. Fifth floor. I waited a bit for my dorm mate for the next month 

Regina George x Male Reader // School TripWhere stories live. Discover now