Chapter 1

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It was 6:00am on a Monday.

The members of the Ineritus Pack were awake and bustling round the grounds of their building. Out the windows, beyond the rectangular lands of the pack, was the lifeless barren grounds of the rest of the Underealm. Unknown creatures and entities lurking in the shadows.

On the grounds used for training, outside the building, Dark and  banished shifters, trained their physical strength and agility, pushing themselves to brutal limits to gain strength and power. Inside the building, the few females walked around chittering like hyenas, spreading the days usual round of gossip. Due to their scarce numbers within the pack, the males gawped at them as usual, making them blush and giggle. 

As the three girls walked down the corridors, they came across the house's servant. A skinny, 5"7 girl. Since she was old enough to use a cloth, she was put to work all around the house, cleaning and cooking like a slave.  Despite everyone in the pack already being the rejects of society, and those looked down on, the girl was still treated like an object.

The three female Shifters, Amelia, Rose and Adele, walked up to the girl and loomed over her. She was on her hands and knees scrubbing the floors and skirting boards. Adele, the most high pitched one of them all, started speaking in her naturally maddening voice,

Adele: Heyyy Mutt

The girl turned around. She was visibly exhausted, the dark circles around her eyes deep, and at least two shades deeper then her actual skin colour. Her hair was tied into a messy bun, and all tangled and knotted. She glared at Adele intensely, without standing up, and with as much energy she could muster, she said,

Alaia: My NAME, is not Mutt. it's ALAIA.

Adele rolled her eyes and laughed dryly with the two other girls, she turned back around and said,

Adele: Well you don't need a real name, do you. why name something that's just here to clean, cook and serve?

Alaia was fuming, fists clenched. but today, her energy was already drained and it was only 6:30am. She unclenched her fists and hung her head, looking at the shining floor, embarrassed, upset and tired.  Adele smirked.

Adele: Exactly, that's what I thought.

Adele nodded to Amelia, who proceeded towards Alaia. She raised her foot and suddenly send it crashing down towards her back. Alaia let out a loud cry of pain, and fell forwards, she landed on her hands, arms shaking and threatening to give way, sending her face hitting against the floorboards. The three girls laughed sadistically and walked off, arm in arm. Alaia stood up with much struggle. She brushed off her hands and trudged towards the sink.

Alaia's POV:

I walked towards the sink and ran the hot tap. Slowly I put my hands underneath the running warm water, gently rubbing off the dirt and soothing the cuts and breaks in my dry skin.

Every time

Every fucking time I see those three bitches that roam the halls, they spew some sort of rubbish into my head, and hurt me in one way or another. I used to fight back. I used to try and defend myself from the physical and emotional damage thrown my way. But the consequences of it started to outweigh the benefits, so now I just have to deal with it. I'm going to eventually try and find a way to escape this godforsaken place one way or another. I doubt it will be soon though, I need to figure out how.

On the weekends, i'm allowed to sleep from 12am - 5am. But weekdays? 2am - 3am. Last night I got punished by Marcel. The main man that makes my daily life living hell. I tried to fight back and stand up for myself. Bad choice. The result got me sunk into a deep hole.

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