Chapter 8

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Jason's POV:

This is so stressful.

Diaboli is on my case to find the girl. He somehow managed to find a Ghost wanderer, that was willing to track her down for money. So he knows roughly where she is. But, I have to find her. Why ME? I mean, I can fight really well and all of that, that's not the problem. The problem, Is that i'm going into the Divus realm, after 5 years, with a rough location where she is, like i'm some sort of tracker. THEN, I have to bring her back. Not trying to be lazy or anything, but I would prefer NOT to walk all the way, to and fro, the Divus realm. It's like 5 miles away. Okay, maybe not 5 miles, but it's far enough!

I roll my eyes and sigh. I slot a variety of knives into my belt from the small armoury we have in the corner of the training fields. I walk to the door where Diaboli is waiting.

Diaboli: You ready Jason? BE quick okay, if your not back in 2 hours I will class you as dead, do you understand?

Damn, why so brutal man? I sigh inwardly and nod my head. I know he likes me and everything but the man can still be scary when he wants to be. I nod and Diaboli briefs me on what to do, for the fifth time.

I did not listen at all. I was to busy  daydreaming about pancakes, so when he stopped I just nodded having heard not a word he said, and stepped out the door. I walked a little away from the building, and once out of sight, shifted. I was a normal Leopard Shifter, my fur normal beige with the black spots. But the spots were covered in black. When I used to live in the Divus realm, I used to be best friends with Diaboli. But we used to get up to no good. And i mean, No. Good.

We must of been playing with his dark magic one day, trying to knock the Owl-parrots out the tree. Small Owls, with multicoloured fur, and creepily long and sharp beaks. Anyways, we were playing with his magic, and he was channeling it into me as we tried to knock them off branches when i used more magic then i should of. Some of it went into my blood stream and now,ever since then, my fur slowly turns black when I overexert myself, and my strength/agility.

I sprinted to the Divus realm, and as soon as I was passed the barrier, I went behind a tree and shifted back. As I walked through the greenery, i was picking up hints of Alaia's scent.

Mainly, her blood.

It was just round about where Diaboli said it would be. Thank god. I walked slightly deeper into the forest, and the scent changed. Damn it. It was just her blood, and a faint scent. I bent down near a tree and saw small splatters of dried blood, ingrained in the bark. The Scent was also mixed with others, making it 10X harder to track. Oh god. Pack members.

This means, I'm going to have to fight pack members. Seriouslyyyyy. I didn't plan for this. I expected a gut and run sort of situation. Or... kidnap and run.... Whatever it is, I'm now going to have to prepare to actually fight their pack, because they have most likely kept her in the medical ward, helping her with whatever injuries. This girl has put me through to much trouble.

I racked my brain to remember what Diaboli was saying to me earlier. Christ.... No... Crystal! That's it. The pack, Crystal Moon. By the smell of it, they are close. I need to try and hurt minimum people here, but make sure she doesn't run.

I mentally prepared myself then set off towards the Pack. I neared it and could hear the bustle of the people in the training grounds and walking out the gates. It looked sort of... old. Hopefully the people match the look and won't be as advanced fighting wise as well. I neared the gate. People were going in and out, and would detect my scent as soon as I entered the grounds.

 I waited until the coast was clear, then leapt over the gate. As soon as my feet touched the grass, I ran. To a secluded section of the back of the main building. The building so happened to be the offices and medical unit. How I knew? The bins were full of used syringes, dressings, and folders. Thank the Goddess.

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