Chapter 10

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Alaia's POV: Crystal Heart Packlands (Divus Realm)

I stood up. The alarm was ringing in my ears, and eventually I adjusted to the piercing sound. I walked over to the window, I was picking up the sounds of a large quantity of people located outside, and needed to know if something was wrong. No one had come in to get me, or tell me anything, so if there was something or someone dangerous, I needed to save myself. Pffft, typical. I peered out the window, raising the blinds. I gasped in shock, I was NOT expecting to see any familiar faces, once I had escaped.

Before me, was Jason, my old Monarch'a right hand man, standing looking helpless, with around 10 warriors opposing him, more joining every second, staring at him menacingly. I locked eyes with him, I saw his widen slightly, and stare me down. He glared at me and I saw him roughly mouth, 'I'm taking you back'. OH HELL NO. I would rather DIE, then go back to that HELL HOLE. I shook my head, filled with nerves but also determination, and backed away from the window. I caught him then mouth, before he turned around to face the advancing warriors, 'You can't escape again'.

Something in me bubbled. I was fully energised since forever, and was comfortable. I will not, in fact, I REFUSE, to go back there. Something in me was released, and felt the need to move. To do something. Anything. I got up and I tied my hair into a bun, with an elastic band I found on one of the counters. As I contained my hair I left the room. I walked down the halls and found Chloe. I tapped her on the arm, and her smile fell from her face when she saw me. Damn, Chloe. Not smiling. Something was about to go down in the fields and I won't let them hurt Jason. That's my job.

She looked at me nervously, and while trying to slowly gently usher me back the way I came, she said seriously,

Chloe: Alaia, you need to go back to the medical ward. That alarm was the intruder alert, someone from the Underealm is here. And I don't want you to get hurt, he could be, and is most likely dangerous.

I shook my head. I couldn't tell them I knew him, and how, they would try and kill me. But in the nicest way possible I needed to get down there, so I said, trying to keep the urgency out my voice,

Alaia: I know, but I really need to go downstairs, can you trust me, Chloe?

Chloe: No,no, what for? You might get hurt Alaia. And in the state you're in! It's to dangerous.

Ugh, I love the fact that she cares and all that, but right now I need her to not care so much. I mentally face palmed, and while getting slowly annoyed, all aware of the growing clatter outside, I say,

Alaia: Look, Chloe, I know you care about my well being and all that but-

Chloe: Exactly, I care, now please go back to your room until it's safe again, and the intruder is dealt with.

She cut me off. She really cut me off, nope, I'm sorry Chloe, but I have places to be. I clenched my fists, my feelings getting the better of me I said,

Alaia: Chloe. I Will go downstairs, right now, and you won't stop me. I'm not sitting here and waiting around, do you understand?

Oh damn. My voice came out like.. powerful. It resonated through the corridors and made Chloe pale. She stared at me in shock, and said shakily,

Chloe: Y-your eyes, how-
Alaia: Move

She stepped aside and I walked past her, marching down the corridors trying to find and exit. My eyes? What's she on about my eyes? There was no time to check though, sitting around leisurely gazing at my own eyes. I found the back exit and it put me right behind where Jason was, facing the warriors who were close to him, brandishing swords, knifes, and some with their claws extended. One of them who probably remembered who I was from earlier, shouted out to me,

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