Chapter 5

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No POV: Underealm

The 3 Guards and the head of Renovations from the Palace were waiting outside the front door. The Ghost wanderer that accompanied them had already gone off at some point to enter the building from elsewhere. One of the Male Shifters from inside, opened the door after a while. He looked the men up and down obviously not happy, then opened the door, saying flatly,

Andre: Welcome, men, i'm Andre, i'll show you around before the discussion begins.

Andre walked inside, leaving the door to be closed by the Guards. They sigh and close the door behind them. They follow around Andre through the building, to the various sections.

Andre: The bathroom is to the left, there is also another one on the second floor to your right. As we walk down here we have the main hall, the offices and lastly the training field.

Andre spoke in a droning voice, as if he would rather do anything but be a tour guide. When they stopped at their last destination, the training grounds, his voice was more forceful. He was pointing out the brutality of the training and how strong everyone was. The guards exchanged glances and squirmed in their spot. They were then led to an office. They sat down on the chairs waiting for the boss.

After a while, Diaboli entered. The air in the room shifted, and the men flinched in unison. All of their gazes were locked on Diaboli as he ducked under the door frame and took his seat opposite them. He was wearing, per usual, a fully black suit, including the shirt and tie, and his hair was combed and gelled to one side. After a few seconds Jason entered, dressed in a dark brown shirt, the top button undone, and black jeans. He sat beside Diaboli and The two men exchanged a few low toned comments before they faced the 3 Guards and the Renovations Head.

The four men cleared their throats and re-composed themselves before The Head to Diaboli, and saying in their version of a confident voice, despite being clearly intimidated,

William: Good Evening Monarch, I am William, the Head of Renovations in the L'entrae's palace.

They all noticed how Diaboli flinched and tensed at the name of the palace, and they swallowed. William continued speaking, a little hesitantly,

William: As you know, we are here to discuss the issue, of the Royals expanding their lands. It is to my knowledge that you do not want to completely move your grounds, which is understandable, so let's meet in the middle.

After a few hours of discussing and planning they all decided, that the Ineritus, would knock down a third of their building, that's closest to the barrier, and the Royals would supply the materials to re-build it on the opposite side. Halfway through the meeting, while the Guards were getting Diaboli to sign the Confirmation treaty, William excused himself.

On his way back from the bathroom, a girl he assumed to be around 18-19 based on her height, bumped straight into him. She apologised and immediately sprinted to the door. Her clothes were slightly ripped, but where she was moving so quickly, he only got a glimpse of her. He found it a little strange but for the moment assumed it was just one of the pack members messing around.

The treaty was signed and the four men were escorted out. Once they were out, William let one of his comrades know about the odd encounter. When he told him, he was a little suspicious,

Guard 1 (comrade): I don't know what that was but it is a little odd, isn't it, maybe tell Raven later on, and see what he thinks.

William nodded in agreement, and the Guard got the messenger to pass on the message, to the King and Queen. After a few minutes of walking the Ghost Wanderer appeared in front of them, they all jumped slightly, but were used to Ghost wanderers sudden unexpected appearances.

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