Chapter 4

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Alaia's POV: Ineritus Pack Grounds, 22nd

I'm so fucking tired.

I've just finished all the chores I was supposed to do for the day, and i'm on my way to my bedroom, well, cupboard. Jason, one of the 'Big bosses' men, made an announcement that a few people from the Divus realm are coming tomorrow, i'm so excited. Not to see the people of course, Hell no, what do they matter.

I'm just looking forward to it, because Marcus told me I need to stay in my room the whole time, which means I can sleep for longer! I have no clue why, but I didn't question his motives.

On that note, Marcus has been acting a bit.... odd, recently. He is always watching me, and whether I notice or pretend not to see him, I can always feel his presence lurking. It makes me uneasy. A few minutes ago, there was an uproar in the training field between a male and a female, and it was the first time since my fight with Rose, that Marcus had actually left me alone. What a creep.

I was almost at the small cupboard I call my room, when I walked into something. Scratch that, someone. I was about to apologise when I stepped back and looked up. 'Ugghhhh'. That was the first thought that popped into my head. It was the Three musketeers, Amelia, Adele and Rose. But this time Rose was in the centre, staring down at me with the usual inexplicable hatred.

I glance up at her and instantly regretted letting the smirk slip onto my face. Her nose was bandaged slightly still, from the impact of the floor, and small splinter scratches, only visible due to the Enhanced Leopard vision. She balled her tiny fists and growled at me,

Rose: Something funny, mutt?

My body dropped. I so wanted to avoid confrontation of all sorts right now. I was on the brink of being able to have a whole day to sleep. That never happens and I wasn't going to let some weakling with insecurity's get me in trouble. I looked back up at her and made a brave risky decision.

Alaia: I'm sorry Rose. I truly didn't mean to hurt you.

She looked at me and blinked. She obviously wasn't expecting that and stood there, she cleared her throat after a few minutes and said,

Rose: Erm, okay then.

Idiot, I thought. She just stood there scratching her head then said to me,

Rose: Whatever Mutt, move out my way.

She pushed past me and strutted off with her cronies. I released a sigh of annoyance and relief and walked to my room. I sat down and wiped down my arms and legs. Showers were every Sunday, so for now, I wipe down my arms and the important parts with a cloth. Once I was done I changed into a shirt I found, 3 sixes to big to wear for night, and lied down on the mattress. I pulled the thin blanket over my shoulders and slowly drifted off to sleep.

In the night, the usual nightmares that never made sense, corrupted my head, waking me up at 3, rendering me sleepless for the rest of the night. I got up and tried sorting out as much as possible in the little space I had, to occupy myself. At some point between sorting out the floor, I must of drifted off, as I woke up at 5 in the morning on the dot, on the floor, clothes in my hand.

I sat up and stretched. I sorted out my curly forest of hair as much as possible, without any real brushes or oil. I managed to wrestle it into a messy bun, and put on grey joggers and a black jumper. I walked out of my room carefully, then walked into the kitchen and successfully completed my mission of nicking a slice of bread from the kitchen, without getting caught. I walked down the halls dusting off the bread-crumbs from my jumper. I saw Marcus and when he saw me he did a double take and glared at me. He walked up to me and snapped,

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