Chapter 7

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G/Ch/N: There's something you need to know.

G: Speak first.

Ch: You better, I have some pretty devastating news

Nathalie and Gabriel looked at each other with concern on their faces.

N: Emilie kidnapped Hesperia

L: What happened?

N: She beat us to it and we couldn't get to our house. She appeared in the sewers and tried to raise doubts in Hesperia. Fortunately, she was unsuccessful. Hesperia, also turned against her. However, Emilie had an accomplice. Someone created a pink mist to limit our visibility, and that's when they kidnapped the Hesperia

L: How did she know where you were?

G: Somehow she must have been listening to us. Before she ran away, she mentioned that she heard what I said.

L: We need to search this place for any transmitters or bedbugs.

G: This isn't needed.

L: Why?

G: If we had a wiretapping in the hideout, we would be surrounded by Emilie and her villains right now. As you can see, nothing like that happened. This means she doesn't know our location. I suppose she might have planted something on Hesperia while he was looking Alya. But it doesn't matter anymore. Unfortunately, Emilie already knows too much. Every conversation we had in this hideout was overheard, so we can forget about the surprise.

G: Chat Noir, what did you want to tell us?

Ch: Why don't you sit down.

G: Don't delay whatever this is, we will get through this.

Ch: Okay, so I've been thinking about your love story. I feel like this story is distantly familiar but I wasn't sure why. My dad only met Nathalie during their expeditions. Observing your behavior, I have often noticed the same behavior as my Nathalie and dad. When you comforted me Nathalie, in your eyes I saw the same compassion as in my Nathalie. Additionally, during our hug, I felt a sense of Deja Vu.

N: What are you getting at, Adrien

Ch: When the villain hit us, we were sure we had gone to the past, but your encounter made us doubt it. Knowing my Nathalie and Gabriel, and knowing that my father married my mother, we thought it was impossible for us to be in the past. Unfortunately, your story has made the truth even worse.

G: Boy don't keep us in this suspense. What do you want to say with all this?

Ch: This world is not another reality. We are in the past.


N: Are you saying that your Gabriel and Nathalie are actually just us, from the future?

Ch: Exactly

G: No, it can't be true, after all, in the "future" I am madly in love with Emilie. How this could be our future. No power will make me divorce Nathalie and marry Emilie.

Ch: There is one force that has this power.


Gabriel fell to his knees. At that moment his world collapsed. Moments ago, he and Nathalie confessed their eternal love to each other, and soon they will be separated by a wish. Nathalie knelt next to her husband, placing her head on his shoulder and stroking his back with her hand.

N:And how can you be sure that it's us?.

Ch: Now I'll tell you a story.

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