Chapter 1- Who Did It?

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The cold wind blew, signaling winter's just around the corner. Y/N didn't do any of her homework, at least she tried to of course but the equations practically made her eyes bawl out by just looking at them. Y/N shivered, though being fully covered with her muffler and her coat, winter in South Korea was ethereal but the climate? not so much.


Y/N jolted at the sudden calling of her name, she turned around quickly as her reflexes advised her to.

It was her best friend, Neria.


Neria gasped for air with each word she spoke, as she flung her hands on her knees to support her body from falling.

"Oh." Y/N spoke, rather dimly "I forgot."

"You forgot?" Neria rolled her eyes, as she stood up straight. Her face then switched to a shocked expression, as her eyes widened, as if realizing something.

"Is this because I didn't meet you at the library to study yesterda-"

"No." Y/N stated, her neutral expression fixed at Neria's face.

"Then? Why the long face?" Neria tilted her head, analyzing Y/N.

"I didn't do my homework." Y/N confessed, "After hours and hours of searching for the answer to this stupid Pythagoras theorem, I couldn't do it." She added, trying to console her emotions from bursting out and crying.

Neria scoffed "I bet nobody would do that homework, anyways" Neria took a quick glance at her wristwatch.

"And, we're going to be late, let's go!"

And they ran (almost getting hit by cars on the way) the two best friends laughed as they made their way to school, gaining a lot of weird glances from passerbys nearby.


The class monitor. Ha-ri Choi, walked into the classroom with a rather anxious expression plastered all over her face and an obvious failed attempt to hide it. She first bowed and spoke:

"Good morning, everyone. I erm- am told to tell all of you that Mrs. Kang could not come to class today because-"

Ha-ri stopped, her breath hitch, as her eyes kept glancing here and there.

"Because....Of a personal problem, she had to um- face..."

Chatter and gossip erupted after her last sentence. Ha-ri was anxious with the sudden commotion going on.

"So um..." The chatter stopped.

"Feel free to do whatever you wish...."

Ha-ri bowed, and as soon as she did that whispers and loud gossip were once again started ("Mrs. Kang? Absent? That's strange." "Strange? It's a damn phenomenon! I bet something BIG is happening-" "Maybe she got fired?")

Neria patted on Y/N's shoulder, causing her to look back.

"What do you think happened?"

Neria asked, knitting her thinly shaped eyebrows.

"I don't know." Y/N shrugged "It's crazy, I thought I'd never live to see the day Mrs. Kang would actually be absent." She added.

Neria laughed. "hmm, true true but, I guess we're lucky because we didn't do the homework."

Y/N chuckled as she nodded, she then turned front, her eyes suddenly caught Ha-ri looking at her desk, sweat forming in her brows and in her palms.

'Should I talk to her?' Y/N thought.

After a handful of yes' and no's, she gathered all her courage and talked to her.

She gently pats Ha-ri's shoulder. The biggest mistake ever.

Ha-ri jumped out of her desk, flinching with a timid expression all over her pale face.

"Oh! I'm sorry did I scare you-"

"No..." Ha-ri's soft-spoken frail voice came to life.

"Oh, well um I wanted to ask you something, regarding Mrs. Kang-"

"I-I don't know anything about her! I promise! Really!"

Ha-ri squealed, her legs shaking.

Y/N could obviously tell she was lying but decided to keep mum about it.

"Oh um, okay sorry for bothering you."

Y/N's lips formed a smile as she bowed.

Ha-ri returned the bow, but the smile? Not so much, that anxious expression that she had while her little 'announcement' refused to wipe out.

Y/N sighed as she couldn't quite get a hint at the mystery, so she turned around to head back to her seat.

But as soon as she did that, Ha-ri walked out of the classroom at a fast pace.

Y/N turned again towards the front, as she walked over to the door and peaked at the hallway.

Ha-ri was nowhere to be found.

Y/N blinked several times to make sure her eyes weren't lying to her (she forgot to put their contact lenses on) so she stepped outside in search of that mysterious class monitor.

Y/N walked and walked, her energy soon left her, as she started breathing heavily because of all the walking, she was rather sickly.

Y/N then came across a junction in the hallway, 'Left Or Right?' she debated with her internal monologue, and because there was no logical explanation for where Ha-ri had gone, she decided to trust her intuition.

Her intuition seemingly told her that Ha-ri would pick left, so she did.

And, she came back to the same junction (moral: never trust intuition :p)

The right path seemed to do her some good because she didn't go in the same loop she did with the left path.

Y/N stopped walking, as she swore she had heard some distinct crying and mumbling....Or maybe it was ear wax.

No wait, it can't be, the voices were rather inaudible so she walked- I mean tiptoed, near the sound.

Y/N was frozen once she recognized the voice.

It was Ha-ri:

"No! I'm not doing it!" Ha-ri cried (Y/N tip-toed further to listen)

"Not in one of your machines! They never work!-"


Y/N jolted at the sudden yelling, it sounded as if it had belonged to a boy about her age.

Y/N finally walked up to the door and peeked. It revealed a skinny, boy with square glasses and Ha-ri, they both were wearing lab coats and a strange-looking device was in front of them

"Look." The boy spoke, concealing his anger on Ha-ri's continuous sobbing.

"If we don't do this, we won't know who murdered Mrs. Kang-"

Y/N stopped listening unintentionally after hearing the word 'murder', she heard that wrong right? Who would do such a thing? No no, she heard that wrong, right?

"I don't know who dislocated the camera wires, it'd be a heck of a lot easier if they didn't." The boy scoffed

"W-Who would do such a thing?"

Ha-ri blew her nose with her handkerchief, making the boy shudder with disgust.

Y/N couldn't believe it, this was probably some prank her classmates were pulling on her, she remembered the last time when her classmates did something like this and pranked her. They pranked her by telling her, her goldfish had died, of course, they told her it was a joke after she almost had a panic attack.

But, they wouldn't go this far, right?

"Who are you?"

Y/N recoiled to the sudden voice, as she looked behind her quickly.

The boy asked with his arms crossed, and Ha-ri was behind him.


"Were you eavesdropping?"

The boy asked, clearly disappointed at her childish behavior.

Y/N nodded embarrassedly, like a child getting scolded by their parents.

"Well since you're here, you can help us"

The boy opened his folder.

Y/N tilted her head in confusion. Help? How could she be of any use to them?

"Y/F/N, from Class-A1, right?"

The boy asked flipping his files.

Y/N nodded, still confused on how she could help them.

"Well, since your classmate Miss Choi here, is too timid"

He rolled his eyes at Ha-ri.

"You could go back in time, and figure out this murder case."

The boy had its gaze fixed on Y/N.

Y/N gulped as she was too scared to say no, he seemed like a professor than a student.


Y/N reluctantly agreed, making the boy nod.

"Thanks Y/N!"

Ha-ri squealed in joy and in relief.

"I'll go get the machine ready, oh and here-"

The boy shuffled his lab coat pocket, and took out a transparent shade and handed it to Y/N, and went back inside.

As soon as the boy was out of their sight, Ha-ri grabbed Y/N by the elbow and pulled her close.


"Listen Y/N, his machines never work!" Ha-ri cried

"They always end up blasting or getting broken in the end, I tried to stop him from making those...those stupendous machines!-"

Ha-ri finally let out all her emotions and continued ranting and ranting.

Y/N gulped in fear of the thought of being burned into ashes or getting dislocated, as her legs began shaking. Ha-ri noticed this and quickly let go of Y/N's arm.

"But, maybe it'll work? this time?"

It was a gauche attempt to mollify Y/N's fear but it was too late, Y/N's legs began shaking like crazy (Ha-ri was on the verge of laughing but it would be 'impolite' to do so.)

Y/N, you have no idea what mess you've gotten yourself into.

(~To be continued~)

Kim Taehyung FF "When you accidentally time travel back to the Joseon Era"Where stories live. Discover now