Chapter 5- Yeong-su, The Matchmaker

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"And this is my best friend, Yeong-suu!~"

Taehyung patted the back of a white horse with shiny hair who looked extremely well-fed and cared for. Y/N was confused

"....Your best friend's a horse?.."

Y/N asked, trying to fight back the urge to laugh, her mouth formed a sort of pout to hold the laughter back.

Taehyung noticed her, and turned scarlet, his lips forming a sheepish smile.

"Um, yeah...Haha~"

Taehyung rubbed the back of his neck in embarrassment, his reply coated with a hint of sadness.

Y/N nodded as she couldn't hold her laughter and covered her mouth, mouthing a 'sorry'

"It's fine, I understand if you think it's dumb to have a best friend as a horse."

Taehyung looked down, and let out a sad chuckle.

Y/N instantly regretted what she did and felt sorrow for him, he probably wasn't the 'I have many friends' type, and it's not a bad thing at all!

"Hey, listen," Y/N said, hinting at obvious sympathy. "I'm really sorry if I offended you, I-"

"No, really it's fine!" Taehyung reasoned, with a gentle smile

"I know it's weird, even I think having a horse as a best friend is weird!~"

Taehyung continued, Y/N was in awe of his open-mindedness.

"But, not all of us can be normal now, can we? None of us are 'normal', it's just that some people lack the vision to see that we're all different and there's no such thing as normal"

Taehyung explained gently, Y/N took that last part seriously

"...So you're saying I lack vision?~"

Y/N replied, with obvious sarcasm, though Taehyung didn't really catch her sarcastic tone of voice, he was startled by her words.

"I- N-No!! I erm- No you don't lack vision! I didn't mean that I um- really!-"

"Sheesh, calm down! I was being sarcastic~"

Y/N laughed at his sudden startling mood. Taehyung was flushed red.

"Oh um, I mean Of course I knew that!" 

Taehyung chuckled awkwardly, Y/N was busy giggling.

And they lived happily ever after- Wait sorry that's supposed to be at the do I erase that again?-



"Too late!~"

Y/N chuckled as Taehyung's eyes widened at how fast she learned to ride a horse, 'Yeong-su' was quite fond of her, and of course, Y/N begged Taehyung to let her ride, making Taehyung sit at the back with his hands gripped at the saddle due to Y/N's expeditious speed.

"You're seriously going to be the death of me!~"

Taehyung chuckled, his straining voice coating a high amount of fear.

"At least you're going to die with some fun!~"

And they raced up the hills and down, causing a ton of commotion inside the palace on where the Prince had gone, but at least Y/N and Taehyung had tons of fun! Ah, I guess Yeong-Su really is a matchmaker in disguise.

(~To Be Continued~)

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