Chapter 9- The Secret Untold

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"Your royal highness, forgive me I...."

The royal physician bowed in sorrow.

Taehyung smiled as he bent.

"What's the issue?"

He asked gently.

The royal physician slowly looked at the Prince

"Your royal highness, forgive me but.....I deeply regret  to apprise you that there's not much time..."



Taehyung gazed at her, as she kept petting Yeong-su

"Hm?" Y/N replied, still stroking Yeong-su's  luscious white locks

"It's an aimless question but," Taehyung fiddled with his fingers nervously

"If I, somehow di-"

Taehyung couldn't complete his word, his frail will prevented him.

"Somehow, what?" Y/N asked, giggling as she kept patting Yeong-su.

"Nothing." Taehyung's smile coated his urge to tell her, the truth.

Y/N giggled, as Yeong-su neighed out of comfort from her stroking his hair.
Taehyung chuckled, though his inner monologue was dying to tell Y/N the truth, but he chose to live in the moment and enjoy it while it lasted. It won't for long.


Y/N jolted at the familiar voice, she quickly turned around.

Neria....Oh wait Ha-ri and Inseong were there too!

Neria was moving in an expeditious speed towards Y/N, it wasn't a surprise since Neria was the flexible one from their friend group. Behind Neria, Ha-ri and Inseong were struggling to keep up with her pace.

"SLOW DOWN!" Inseong heaved.

"Neria!...Slowly...!" Ha-ri winced.

"You know them?"

Taehyung asked, standing behind Y/N his gaze not leaving the trio. Y/N nodded cheerfully.

"They're.....They're my friends! From the future!"

Before Taehyung could speak, Y/N hopped happily towards the trio, leaving Taehyung speechless.


Neria quickly catched up to Y/N and panted heavily, before suffocating her in a tight hug.

"Are you okay?"

Neria asked, breathing heavily.


Y/N's voice was raspy, as she gasped for air. Neria quickly noticed this and let go of her friend.

"Sorry," Neria chuckled, then looked behind Y/N,

"And who's this?" Neria asked, quite intrigued by Taehyung's looks.

"I'm Taehyung, pleasure to meet you." Taehyung bowed gracefully, making Neria's mouth gape.

"I'm Neria!~" Neria quickly let go of Y/N and curtsied back to Taehyung. Y/N was baffled.


Inseong gasped, as he finally caught up to Neria's speed, and faltered on the ground.

"Does he need help?-" Taehyung asked, eyes widening

"No, leave him to die for all I care." Neria rolled her eyes at the sight of Inseong, but Taehyung wasn't influenced by her remark and helped Inseong get up.

"Thank, thank you" Inseong bowed to Taehyung, as he dusted off his coat and fixed his glasses.

"Am...I...late?..." Ha-ri asked, exhaustedly

"Not quite" Y/N chuckled as she gave Ha-ri a pat on the back

"Oh.." said Ha-ri, she looked as if she was going to faint any second.

"You all look tired," said Taehyung, worriedly

"Allow me to escort you gentleman and gentlewomen back to the palace, please."

Taehyung bowed again, yet gracefully.

Neria seemed quite excited. "Sure! wait palace?" 

"He's a Prince." Y/N said firmly, quite annoyed by Neria's coy behavior towards Taehyung.

"Ah, so we are in the Joseon Era," Inseong said in a matter-of-factly tone.


Y/N was staring through the big window covered with mist signaling the glacial weather outside, luckily she was inside resting within the comforts of the palace, but her mind wasn't at rest at all.
Y/N was furious at Neria for acting all coy with Taehyung earlier,  she was convinced that Neria was probably clutching onto Taehyung's arm and refusing to let go now, the thought of it made her feel like gagging with disgust.

"Your friends are all asleep"

Taehyung smiled sitting on the chair opposite to Y/N's.

"Oh." said Y/N plainly, she didn't want to talk to anyone right now. Not even Taehyung.

Taehyung became bewildered by Y/N's sudden change of mood, was it something he had done? He hoped not, the last person he wanted to be mad at him was Y/N. He decided not to ask her directly yet.

"Did you miss them?" was the only question Taehyung could get out without getting nervous.

"Sure," Y/N spoke, forcing a grin so Taehyung wouldn't feel bad.

"I did miss them." Which was half the truth, technically.

Taehyung was relieved by Y/N's grin, even though he could tell it was forced. It seemed to bring him joy that Y/N cared for his feelings.

(~To Be Continued~)

Kim Taehyung FF "When you accidentally time travel back to the Joseon Era"Where stories live. Discover now