C 12 : Dior

683 74 69

Atlanta ......

Zac was in his office relaxing he wanted to go home but he wasn't in the mood for karen so he went to his office to relax .

Cody : Hey man you good

Zac : Am not man " voice cracking " My daughter don't even wanna see or talk to me man

Cody : Damn man i could only imagine how you feel

Zac : " tears falling " I fail my baby bruh i promise her mom that i would take care of her an i fail 

Cody : You never talk about her mom much

Zac : " smiles " She was my soulmate we met in kindergarten an we've been bestfriends ever since ,we went to the same college together , we play ball together we practically did everything together ....One day we botb realized that our connection was more than we was willing to admit but at that time we had no business doing adult stuff so on her 16th birthday we decided to take our relationship further " wiping his tears" She got pregnant on our first night an everything just went left

Her mom was cool with us being friends until she found out that i got her daughter pregnant, i knew we wasn't ready to be parents but i was never going to let her go through that alone ...i got a job to take care of her an the baby even though she said i didn't have too because she has money save up i couldn't let her do that .It was my job to provide for my family but her mom said she was going to have an abortion an of course we didn't agree " sniffles " an that's when hell start but i didn't let that stop me from being a man well that was until she did the more evilest thing

Cody : What did she do?

Zac : Well after she talk down to me an belittle me in every way possible she threaten to have me an my mom thrown out on the streets an of course i didn't Listen i still try to reach out ....But then she had her boys kidnapped me an beat the hell outta me that landed me in the hospital for 3 months i had two broken legs ,three broken ribs an a few bruises on my body they said my mom is next but i never told her  ........My mom said i need to let her go because she couldn't loose her only son an that she's better off with her family as much as it hurts me to hear she was right so i called her the day of my surgery an told her it was over " tears falling " it broke my heart bruh but i was torn i had no choice she was three months pregnant at the time all i could think about at that time is for her to not miscarri the baby 

Cody : " tears falling " Am sorry man but how did you get the baby?

Zac : I was coming home from work when her mother call an said if i want my daughter i better be at the hospital in 30 minutes ....i didn't have a car or money for a uber so i ran there with 3 minutes to spare when i got there i saw the most beautiful little angel wrapped in a red blanket, she push the baby into my chest screaming that i killed her daughter with my bastard child an if i had leave her alone she would be alive .......an if i know what is good for me i will stay away an forget about her family if i wanna keep my daughter so i left an never look back

Cody : Did you go to her funeral?

Zac : No i wasn't invited i didn't even get to see her body man " voice cracking" I never got to say good bye to the woman i love an thank her for my little gift

Cody : Don't you find that strange?

Zac : Fine what strange ? Wiping his tears

Cody : That she didn't allow you to see her or even go to the funeral

Zac : That woman hates me cody , why would she invite me ?

Cody : Good point but i still find it strange that you didn't hear anything about it knowing you .....you would be at that funeral

Zac : I thought about it but i wasn't going to risk my daughter's life

Cody : Did you ever went to the burial ground to say good bye ?

Zac : Yeah i did but i couldn't find her tomb Stone

Cody : An you don't find that strange?

Zac : Okay cody what are you getting at?

Cody : Okay this might sound stupid , but what if her mom told you that she died just so that you can stay away for good ?

Zac : Why tf would she do that cody ? It makes no sense Dior would never give up our baby without a fight

Cody : Idk man its just not making sense

Zac : An she haven't come looking for me or our daughter in eight years? .....make it make sense cody

Cody : You right i don't know her like you do but maybe her mom threatened her too

Zac : The woman i know woud never give up on our daughter no matter what her mom say or do

Cody : Maybe she don't know about her

Zac : You need to stop smoking that shit cody , how tf can she not know about a baby that she had in her stomach for nine months ?

Cody : Look am sorry i was just being curious i didn't mean to hurt you man

Zac : Its cool .....his phone ring

Patricia : Are you home?

Zac : No am at the office

Patricia : Am heading there now dahlia need something from her room.

Zac : Okay ill met you there ....i gotta go

Cody : Okay am coming

***** 30 minutes later ..........

Patricia : Come on baby we here

Dahlia : " tears falling " okay

Patricia : Why are you crying pookie?

Dahlia : Nothing

Zac : Hey mom ! Hi princess

Patricia : Hello Zachary

* Dahlia Silent

Zac : Are you okay princess?

Dahlia : Leave me alone am not your princess " crying "

Karen : Hey baby

* Dahlia ran behind her grandma legs an started screaming

•••••• Back in Chicago •••••

Fatima was now pulling into her drive way when she noticed jacboi personal car wasn't in the compound so she knew he wasn't home yet . She got her bag an phone an made her way inside when she got a message on her phone .

Unknown : Get of there now !!

Fatima was curious thinking its a wrong number so she put her phone on the charger an went to take a hot bath .....15 minutes into her bath her phone ring but she ignore it an continue with her bathe but her phone kept ringing so she got up to see who it was an it was the unknown number

Fatima : Hello

Unknown : I know you got my message

Fatima : Who is this?

Unknown : You wouldn't believe me if i told you but you need to leave now you've been asking questions that pissed someone off an get a new phone ....the line cut

Fatima was now scared an confused so she ran to her closet an grab her to go back she always keep a bag pack but never get a change to leave.... she put on a hoodie an sweat pants not drying her skin an ran downstairs but when she open the door she ran into him ...........

Unknown : Where you think your going?

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