C 28 : Bad decisions

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After a little convincing fatima was able to go to Chicago but she had 5hrs to come back because that's when dahlia will be up ....during to the medicine that dahlia was on she was sleeping most of the day her doctor told fatima that her heart is fighting but it can give up at anytime during to her condition being left untreated an she only has a month left considering the two previous attack an her scans are not improving but fatima told them her baby will have a new heart in two weeks.

            [ Chicago ]

Jenny : Mom are you okay ? you've been like this for days

Joy : Am worried about your sister nobody has seen her for days

Jenny : My sister ? She ask confused

Joy : Is fatima not your sister ?

Jenny : Yes she is but you've never referred to her as our sister before its always fatima

Joy : " unsure " i guess am just use to calling her fatima

Jenny : Hmm but why are you worried about her ? You've never worried about her

Joy : What's with all the questions

Joshua : Because your acting strange an haven't been sleeping lately

Joy : Like i said am just worried about her okay

Joshua : Have you called her ?

Joy : Her line has been disconnected

Joshua : Maybe she just don't wanna talk too you

Joy : An why won't she want to talk to me

Joshua : Come on mom don't act like you been a good mother to her

* Slap

Joy : Watch your mouth young man i won't tolerate the disrespect in my house

Joshua : My father's house

Jenny : Josh

Joshua : What , don't act like you dont see the way she treats fatima while you always gets the best of everything ....fatima was pregnant at 16 an she made sure to give her hell during her pregnancy an now here you are pregnant at 15 an she's all happy an shit

* Slap again

Jenny : What do you mean fatima was pregnant at 16?

Joy : I will not repeat my self again joshua

Joshua : You can slap me all you want its the truth

*** Joshua has been trying to reach fatima for a few days now an he's hasn't got any luck he knew his mother had something to do with it but he just couldn't figure out what it is .....He also try to call his dad an was unable to reach him too so he figured he would watch his mom an last night he over heard her on the phone but he didn't hear much of the conversation but he heard just about enough to prove his suspicions

Joy : What the hell has gotten into you ?

Joshua : You mom you ....he yelled with tears streaming down his face

Jenny : what's your problem ?

Joshua : Tell her mom

Jenny : Tell me what ?

Joy : Nothing baby your brother has lost his damn mind

Jenny : Did fatima had a baby?

Joy : No

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